Title I Parent Meeting at Back-to-School Night Welcome Title I Parent Meeting at Back-to-School Night Paxtang Elementary School
For the Benefit of Our Children Working Together For the Benefit of Our Children School Parents Teachers Student We are all important pieces to the puzzle that will ensure that our students succeed.
What is Title I? Purpose: Ours is a School-Wide Program: To help all students achieve high academic standards in reading. Ours is a School-Wide Program: Our primary goal is to ensure that all students, particularly those that are displaying reading difficulties, demonstrate proficient and advanced levels of achievement on state reading standards. State purpose. In summary, Title I is the largest federal aid program for elementary thru high school based on the number of low-income families in each district. The focus of the title I program is to help all student meet the same high standards expected of all children.
Identification of Students We are a school-wide Title I building. All students are eligible and benefit from participating in all aspects of our School-Wide Program. We are a school-wide Title I building. All of our students benefit from these services and resources.
DEVELOPING OUR SCHOOL / PARENT COMPACT Compacts are required to address three areas for families, students, and the school to work together: Student learning and high achievement Effective and frequent communication between school and home Building capacity for the family/school partnership through volunteering and training. We are required to have a parent/school compact. It can be found on the paxtang website.
DEVELOPING OUR PARENT INVOLVEMENT POLICY Parent Involvement Policies are required to do the following: Improve the relationship between school and home Build on strengths of parenting skills Build / create two way communication focused on student learning Provide ways for families and school staff to develop learning goals Include parents in school decisions that represent all families in the school We are required to have a parent involvement policy. This will assist us in engaging families in the education of their student. It can also be found on the Paxtang website.
DEVELOPING OUR SCHOOL-WIDE PLAN School-wide plans are required to address the following: Needs Assessment (Title One Survey) Strategies to increase the amount and quality of learning time Instruction by “Highly Qualified” Teachers High quality and on-going Professional Development Parental Involvement Transition from Pre-School to Elementary School Regular assessment of all student progress Coordination and Integration of Federal, State & Local Funds, Programs & Services We are required to have a school-wide plan. This plan is updated each school year. Part of the plan includes professional development opportunities for our staff to help target the specific needs of our building. When looking at our building needs we utilize a needs assessment which involves all stakeholders.
Title I Information on Paxtang Website! http://www.cdschools.org/Domain/1026
WHEN CREATING A TEAM…… Parents Students Teachers Administrators Who Should Be Included? Parents Students Teachers Administrators Community Members Community Organizations Like I mentioned earlier, we are like a puzzle and all stakeholders are a part of the team. If you are interested in participating on this Title I team, contact me here at school at any time.
Parent Resource Center Please make use of our Parent Resource Center located in the main lobby. Materials you can find there: Title I Brochure Parent Math Resources Parent Reading Resources PBIS Brochure PSEA Brochure Homework Tips Please make use of our Parent Resource Center located in the main lobby. Title I Brochure Parent Math Resources Parent Reading Resources PBIS Brochure PSEA Brochure Homework Tips PIRC Feel free to grab any of these resources at any time.
Thank you for attending our Paxtang Elementary Closing Thank you for attending our Paxtang Elementary Title I Parent Meeting! Enjoy your evening! Thank you! You are free to rejoin your children in their classrooms.