Section 1 (cont.) Power
I. Power A. The rate at which work is done.
B. Power is measured in Watts (W). Examples: A medium-sized car engine is rated at 50,000 to 100,000 Watts A person who weighs 220 pounds climbing a 10 foot high ladder in 5 seconds is doing work at a rate of about 600 Watts
It takes 100,000 J of work to lift an elevator 18 meters It takes 100,000 J of work to lift an elevator 18 meters. If this is done in 20 seconds, what is the average power of the elevator during this time? GIVEN: WORK: W = 100,000 J t = 20 s P = ? work time P = P W t 100,000 J 20 s P = P = 5,000 W