Government/Civics Domain
Democracy Rule of ALL. A country or nation where the people hold supreme power. Usually, they exercise their power by electing officials to represent them. Instructional Approach(s): The teacher should present the information on the slide
Democratic Governments Democratic governments usually have three branches of government often called the Executive, Legislative, and Judicial. Executive branch carries out and enforces laws Legislative branch makes laws Judicial branch interprets laws The main difference between the two types of democracies is the relationship between the legislative and executive branches of government Instructional Approach(s): The teacher should present the information on the slide
Types of Democracy Activity Instructional Approach(s): The teacher should facilitate the Type of Democracy activity where students demonstrate the two forms of democracy
How do presidential and parliamentary governments differ? Essential Question: How do presidential and parliamentary governments differ? Instructional Approach(s): The teacher should introduce the essential question of the lesson
Standards SS7CG1c, SS7CG4c, SS7CG6c Describe the two predominant forms of democratic governments: parliamentary and presidential Instructional Approach(s): The teacher should introduce the standards that align to the lesson essential question
Use the Types of Democracy Notes Sheet with the remaining slides Instructional Approach(s): The teacher should give each student a copy of the Type of Democracy Notes [linked on the resource page] to record important information during the lesson.
Parliamentary Democracy A democracy in which parliament chooses the government. May have a Prime Minister elected by the legislature. Instructional Approach(s): The teacher should present the information on the slide while the students record the important information on their notes. Remy, Richard C., United States Government- Democracy in Action (Columbus, OH: Glencoe, McGraw-Hill, 2006)
Presidential Democracy System of government in which voters directly elect the president. The executive branch exists separately from the legislature (to which it is generally not accountable). Instructional Approach(s): The teacher should present the information on the slide while the students record the important information on their notes. Remy, Richard C., United States Government- Democracy in Action (Columbus, OH: Glencoe, McGraw-Hill, 2006)
Parliamentary Democracy Legislature controls power Separation of Powers Prime Minister President Leader answers to the people Leader answers to the legislature Checks and Balances Elections held if leader forced to resign Leader elected by the people Instructional Approach(s): The teacher should call on individual students or ask for volunteers to identify the characteristics of a parliamentary democracy. When ready, click the next slide to show the answers.
Parliamentary Democracy X Legislature controls power Separation of Powers Prime Minister President Leader answers to the people Leader answers to the legislature Checks and Balances Elections held if leader forced to resign Leader elected by the people Instructional Approach(s): The teacher should make sure the students have marked the correct characteristics on their notes for parliamentary democracy.
Presidential Democracy Legislature controls power Separation of Powers Prime Minister President Leader answers to the people Leader answers to the legislature Checks and Balances Elections held if leader forced to resign Leader elected by the people Instructional Approach(s): The teacher should call on individual students or ask for volunteers to identify the characteristics of a parliamentary democracy. When ready, click the next slide to show the answers.
Presidential Democracy Legislature controls power X Separation of Powers Prime Minister President Leader answers to the people Leader answers to the legislature Checks and Balances Elections held if leader forced to resign Leader elected by the people Instructional Approach(s): The teacher should make sure the students have marked the correct characteristics on their notes for presidential democracy.
Summarizing Strategy: Move Over Emeril...List the Main Ingredients of a Parliamentary Democracy and the Main Ingredients of a Presidential Democracy Instructional Approach(s): Each student should complete the summarizer. The teacher should use the summarizer to determine the level of student mastery and if differentiation is needed.