The Graduate School Presents Brief history of 3MT- Three Minute Thesis (3MT®) celebrates the exciting research conducted by PhD students. Developed by The University of Queensland, the exercise cultivates students' academic, presentation, and research communication skills. The competition supports their capacity to effectively explain their research in three minutes, in a language appropriate to a non-specialist audience. Talk about how this came to SHSU… at SHSU 2019 Competition Information Session
tell the world about your thesis topic and why it matters! Broad problem area/motivation – why? Research question/problem statement – what? How you did it /methodology or approach – how? Findings Conclusion/implications
THE PRESENTATION 1-Static Power Point slide 3 Minutes Remember that “less is more” Does not have to include text Use visual cues effectively No slide transitions, animations, sounds or 'movement' are permitted 3 Minutes Panel of non-academic judges
Judged according to…. Comprehension Engagement Communication Reinforce that students need to EQUALLY hit all 3 areas. Explanations come on next 3 slides
Comprehension Address the research question and its significance Clearly describe the results, conclusions, and outcomes Have a clear and logical sequence Did the presentation provide an understanding of the background to the research question being addressed and its significance? Did the presentation clearly describe the key results of the research including conclusions and outcomes? Did the presentation follow a clear and logical sequence?
Engagement Did You: Make the audience want to know more? Trivialize or over generalize your research? Convey enthusiasm for your research? Capture and maintain the audience's attention?
COMMUNICATION Communicate in language appropriate to a non-specialist audience Thesis topic Key results Research significance Outcomes Avoid scientific jargon Terminology Provide adequate background information
The benefits of being able to explain your work in basic terms Why do it?
ELIGIBILITY To be eligible for the Three Minute Thesis competition, you must make sure you meet the following requirements: Student must be enrolled in master's or doctoral level classes for the semester of competition. Working on major project, capstone, thesis or dissertation research with some preliminary data complete Please note: Graduates are not eligible**
WILLING TO GIVE IT A TRY? Registration Closes Practice Sessions January 26th Practice Sessions February 5th & 6th – Locations TBA Kick Off February 13th -1:00pm Huntsville, 6:00 TWC All prelims are at 6:00pm Preliminary Rounds February 25th- TWC February 26th -Huntsville February 27th - Huntsville All Prelims are at 6:00pm Finals April 1st –Huntsville @ 6:30pm
More information Graduate Studies Website Links to finalists videos Links to finalists in the National competition Links to finalists videos