Fitness isn’t owned it’s rented and you have to Pay rent everyday


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Presentation transcript:

Fitness isn’t owned it’s rented and you have to Pay rent everyday Stay Motivated Stay fit Stay strong

Creating your workout What are your fitness goals? Toning, fat loss, lean muscle gain, flexibility, strength, speed, endurance, sport-specific skills (ex: jump higher), maintenance of current fitness level (what did it take to get you there) How often will you be exercising? 5-6 days a week? 3 days a week? alternating cardio and lifting days? Yoga/pilates classes? Where will you be exercising and what equipment is available?

Your workout Please create something you WILL actually do! My goal is to help you reach YOUR maximal potential!

Today is the day to make it a priority! Someday, all that will matter is your health! Today is the day to make it a priority! Stay motivated stay fit stay strong