Greek Philosophy
JOURNAL “It is absurd to choose magistrates by lot where no one would dream of drawing lots for a pilot, a mason, a flute-player, or any craftsman at all, though the shortcomings of such men are far less harmful than those that disorder our government.” - Socrates
What is this? Is the glass half empty or half full? Both So what? ½ full can prove they’re right but they are also wrong – you must ask the right questions if you want useful answers.
A “philosopher” is a person who tries to understand the laws of nature and the universe. They look at life by asking questions such as: What qualities makes a person good? What type of government best serves the people? How should man be educated? What is love? What laws are fair and just?
Socrates What people really need to know is how to live your life. He focused on these questions: What is good? What is right? What is justice? The key to understanding is to ask questions. Challenge authority.
Plato How can you tell what is real, what exists… The world you can see and sense is always changing. Everything is becoming something else, it never just is. Are thoughts real? Thoughts are MORE REAL than things The idea of reality being about the soul, not the body.
Aristotle Thoughts and ideas cannot be studied, stick to what you CAN know! There’s more to a person than meets the eye. The Golden Mean: Extremes are evil – the middle is good.
Try to decide which one of the choices gives the correct meaning Try to decide which one of the choices gives the correct meaning. Write the letter or your choice.
PLATO “Those having lamps will pass them on to others.” People who have lamps which they no longer want should give them to needy families. When old people die, their lamps and other belongings should be passed on to relatives and friends. People who “see the light” that is, understand things, should help others to gain such knowledge.
Aristotle: “Poverty is the parent of revolution and crime.” A. Children revolt against parents who are poor. People without money and hope sometimes express their problems and frustrations through revolution and crime. Poor people are the ones who always cause revolutions and crime.
Socrates: “Fame is the perfume of heroic deeds.” Brave acts or great accomplishments can make a person famous. Famous people and heroes always wear perfume so they will smell good when admirers crowd around. Famous people, perfume, and heroes have a lot in common.