WDYE? 3.2: Analyzing Fairness Learning Target: I will analyze methods to simulate a fair game. HW: Complete the WDYE Investigation 3.1 p. 7 and Correct with the Zaption video: WDYE 3.2 Warm Up: What is the probability of spinning a multiple of 2? Hint: What are your probable outcomes: P( )
p. 5 1. 4. 3. 2. 5. 6. 7.
Are all 3 methods fair? Which method would you choose and why? Which method would you not choose and why? Are all 3 methods fair?
Are all 3 methods fair? Which method would you choose and why? Which method would you not choose and why? Are all 3 methods fair?
Discuss in groups
WDYE? 3.2: Analyzing Fairness Did I reach my Learning Target? I will analyze methods to simulate a fair game. EXIT TICKET 3.2 HW: Complete the WDYE Investigation 3.2 p. 7 and Correct with the Zaption video: WDYE 3.2
Answers for B, C
Answers for D