Teacher Evaluation Orientation For Teachers


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Presentation transcript:

Teacher Evaluation Orientation For Teachers Windham Public Schools 2/17/2019 2016-2017 Teacher Evaluation Orientation For Teachers Windham Public Schools By Kathryn Firth District Teacher Performance & Evaluation Specialist Teacher Evaluation for Administrators

Key Changes to WPS 2016-2017 Evaluation Plan Adopted and Customized The Connecticut Common Core of Teaching (CCT) Rubric For Effective Teaching 2014 (Replacing STEPP Rubric) Adopted and Customized The Connecticut Leader Evaluation and Support Rubric 2015 (Replacing CT School Leadership Standards) Adopted 2015 Version and Customized The Connecticut Common Core of Teaching Rubric for Effective Service Delivery. (SES) Adapted a Central Office Administrator Division Evaluation Rubric from the CT Leader Evaluation Rubric Rating Terms: Exemplary, Accomplished (Proficient), Developing and Not Meeting Standard Defined who are Support Specialists- and put back into the main document Defined Mutual Agreement Added clarification about Complementary Evaluators and Requesting an Alternate Evaluator Updated Dispute Resolution Process Revised Pre-Post Questions for Formal Observations (on the platform) Added Section about teachers hired mid-year/leaves/change of positions Made clear that these are the MINIMUM number of evaluations required by the state for teachers, and administrators can do more if they see fit Clarified Informal Support Plan (before PASS) Defined Informal Observations, Formal Observations and Reviews of Practice Clarified Timelines and Timeframes for Feedback

Windham Public School’s Evaluation Goals Windham Public School’s Professional Learning and Evaluation Plan is designed to facilitate professional growth and support through continuous learning and advancement in order to strengthen practice and improve student learning. Effective Teachers are among the most important school level factor in increasing student achievement and Effective Leadership is an essential component of any school and district. We believe that the evaluation system is designed to inspire practitioners towards continued growth and development in effective teaching and leading practices. A professional, collaborative and reflective environment will support quality learning for teachers, administrators and students. Every Student, Every Day, In Every Classroom

Responsibilities of Evaluators and Evaluatees Evaluatee Responsibilities Reflection on previous feedback from evaluations Engagement in inquiry-based professional learning opportunities Participation in collaborative conferences with evaluator Development, implementation, and self-assessment of goals, student learning indicators, learning activities, and outcomes Seek clarification, assistance and/or ask questions when needed in identifying professional resources and/or peer assistance Completion of Evaluation materials on time including pre/post observation, participation in evaluation conferences, reflections, uploading artifacts/data/lesson plans, goal setting form, midyear form ,and summative reflection in the platform Evaluator Responsibilities Review of and familiarity with evaluatees’ previous evaluations Participation in collaborative conferences with evaluatees Providing Timely Feedback on formal observations, informal observations, reviews of practice, goal setting conference, midyear conference and summative evaluations Assistance with assessment of goals, student learning indicators, learning activities developed and implemented by evaluatees and determining final outcomes Analysis and assessment of performance, making recommendations as appropriate Clarification of questions, identification of resources, facilitation of peer assistance and other support as needed

Every Attempt at compromise is expected from both parties Mutual Agreement A Joint Venture between evaluator and evaluatee to reach an agreement on a rigorous and reasonable proposal The Evaluator and Evaluatee will work collaboratively toward achieving this proposal ***Note*** Every Attempt at compromise is expected from both parties It is expected that resolution will occur at the lowest level possible, but if unsuccessful then the dispute resolution process can be initiated.

Teacher Evaluation Timeline Teacher Performance and Practice (Observations) 40%, Parent Feedback Goal 10%, Student Growth and Development (SLOs) 45%, Whole School Learning Indicator 5% Orientation of the teacher evaluation process for teachers and administrators, review roles and responsibilities, rubrics, district/school priorities, analysis of data, goal setting: SLOs By September 15th Orientation of the Plan (Prior to Meeting) Teacher will examine data related to current student's performance, prior year's evaluation, previous professional learning goals and the Teacher/Support Specialist rubric. Teacher will draft two SLOs (3-5 indicators) to address student growth and development. Performance and Practice focus area will be based on school/district priorities and areas of growth needed or sought after. Parent Feedback/Whole School Goals will be discussed. SLOs should be specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time bound. By Last Week of October Goal Setting Conference The discussion will focus on processes and progress towards meeting the goals and developing one's practice. Evidence will be reviewed. There may be mutual agreement to adjust SLOs to accommodate changes (student populations, assignment etc.) A discussion on actions that the teacher can take and supports the evaluator can provide to promote teacher growth in his/her development areas. Month of February Mid -Year Conference Teacher self-assessment due 5 days prior to end of year conference. Teacher reviews and reflects on all information and data collected during the year related to the goals. Include what the teacher learned through the year supported by evidence and personal reflection. The teacher and evaluator will meet to discuss all evidence collected and review the evidence that supports the extent to which students met the SLOs and how the teacher's performance and practice focus contributed to student outcomes and professional growth. The evaluator will review all and generate a final rating using the summative rating matrix. The teacher will be given a summative overall rating of Exemplary, Accomplished, developing or Not Meeting Standard based on the Matrix. By June 10th End of Year Summative Conference Track A: 1st/2nd Year Teachers who have not completed TEAM, or teachers designated Not Meeting Standard or Developing and All 1st Year Employees (regardless of tenure status elsewhere): 3 In Class Formal Observations w/Pre/Post Conferences; One in Class informal Unannounced, One review of Practice Tack B: Teachers Who Have Completed TEAM and are designated Accomplished or Exemplary: One in class formal w/pre/post concference once every three years, one annual review of practice, three informal observations in the years there is not a formal observation Ongoing Observations /Review of Practice

Teacher Evaluation Components Teacher Performance and Practice (40%) Teacher Practice (50%) Teacher Performance and Practice (40%) (Observations…Formal/Informal/Review of Practice) ---Facilitate and Encourage effective means for multiple class visits necessary for gathering evidences of the quality of teacher practice. Provide Constructive oral and written feedback of observations in a timely and useful manner. --Pre and Post Conferences should include deep professional conversations that allow evaluators and educators to set goals, allow administrators to gain insight into the educators progress. ---Parent Feedback (10%)– Based on teacher parent surveys, What strategies will the teacher use and evidence will they collect/document? Student Outcomes (50%) ---Student Growth and Development (45%)– Determined by the teacher’s student learning objectives which are goals for increased student achievement on standardized tests and classroom assessments --- Whole-School Student Learning Indicator (5%) – Determined by aggregate student learning, evidence strategies teacher uses to aid in goal.

Formal Observation Cycle Windham Public Schools 2/17/2019 Formal Observation Cycle 1.(Admin Schedules Formal Observation) Teacher Prepares and submits Lesson Plan and pre-reflection on Platform 2.) Observer reviews lesson plan and pre-reflection on (tags evidence/prepares questions) 3.) Pre –Observation Conference (teacher and evaluator) to discuss the lesson 4.) Classroom Observation of Lesson (Evaluator records evidence) 5.) Teacher submits post-reflection on Platform for Evaluator to Review 6.) Observer rates the teacher practice on the rubric and develops probing questions/feedback 7.) Post Observation Conference to debrief lesson Teacher Evaluation for Administrators

Windham Public Schools 2/17/2019 Data/Evidence Gathering Alignment of Data/Evidence to Rubric Interpretation of Data/Evidence Rating The Evidence Cycle Formal Observations: All formals will have a pre-observation conference (approximately 30 minutes) Teacher must submit the documents for your review prior to the conference (reflection, lesson plan) ---no more than a week prior to the observation Post Conference—Teacher submits reflection before your meeting. ---within 5 days (verbal and written feedback—approximately 30 minutes) ***Teachers and evaluators may include more formal, or informal in class observations if they mutually agree to do so, or if the evaluator feels additional observations will be appropriate to the teacher’s needs and/or assistance plan. Informal Observations---approximately 20 minutes. Evaluators can collect evidence of the teacher’s performance and will give feedback and rate where appropriate. --Verbal/and /or written feedback within 5 days. Informal's can be unannounced. Review of Practice Ideas Team meetings/PPT Meetings Observations of coaching/mentoring other educators Review of student work samples Series of lesson/unit plans Collection of Student Assessments/student scores/SRBI spreadsheet Data Team Observations Teacher Evaluation for Administrators

SLO Development Process (45%) Windham Public Schools SLO Development Process (45%) 2/17/2019 Phase 2 Set Goals for Student Learning w/Indicators SLO (Broad Goal) Establishes focus for the teacher’s goal Focus on Major area(s) learning at the grade level and address important curriculum targets, school or district priorities Broad Enough to represent most important learning/skills students are expected to achieve by the end of the year but narrow enough to be measured. A grade level may collaborate/share similar goals but their targets should be different based on their class needs. Determine appropriate assessments/measures of progress 3-5 Indicators (standardize and non-standardized) Tiered or Differentiated Targets Can be differentiated for individual students or groups of students based on baseline data. For example a teacher may group students based on their baseline scores and set different or tiered targets for each group—students who scored in the lowest range on pre-assessment will meet one target, those who scored higher may have a different target. Common Growth Targets A single growth target can be set for all students. For example, all students will increase their baseline scores by 60% or all students will achieve 70 or higher on an assessment. Growth to Mastery /Proficiency Targets All students will reach a set target. For example, all students will achieve at least a 75 on the final assessment. Phase 1 Review Data Examples of Baseline Data Initial Performance for current interval of instruction Writing samples/Student Work Student Interest Surveys Summative/Formative Assessments Pre-Assessments Student Scores on previous Standardized/Non-Standardized Assessments Report Cards from Previous Years Results from Diagnostic Assessments Artifacts from Previous Learning Discussion with Other Teachers who have taught student(s) Conference with Students families IEP’s and 504’s Data related to ELL students/Gifted and Talented Attendance/Logs Teachers who teach multiple classes/Courses (Phys Ed, Music, Technology, Library Media etc.) May determine an appropriate group of students based on data who will be included in SLOS. (For Example an English Teacher who teachers 2-sections of 10th Grade World Literature and 3-Sections of 11th Grade American Literature may select to write one Goal for the 10th grade class and another goal for the American Lit Class). Student Population Who will be included in goal? Why is this target/class selected? (Justify) as supported by data Describe characteristics of student population (ELL, Special Ed etc.) Teacher Evaluation for Administrators

SLO Development Process (45%) Windham Public Schools SLO Development Process (45%) 2/17/2019 Phase 3 : Implement and Monitor Progress Towards Goals The Power of Student Learning Goals Is in the Instruction Teachers need to turn the goals into actionable instruction Teachers Previously identified research based instructional strategies and take these concrete steps to help students meet their growth targets. Employ effective teaching strategies, use formative assessment process to monitor ongoing student progress and make adjustments to instruction=help students move toward growth Teachers may collaborate with colleagues to share student learning data and develop strategies to address challenges that come up through the year Monitoring Ongoing Student Progress towards the Goals Use a formative process to asses student learning to ensure students are making progress throughout the year Make adjustments to instruction as needed Gather evidence of student progress Ongoing Reflection about student learning, as a means of planning for interventions and adjustments in the instruction. Mid-Year Conference Evaluators and Teachers meet to check in on progress Mid-Year Adjustments can be made based on changes in student need, population, demographics Sharing Evidence Teacher may make revisions to strategies or approach being used Phase 4: Assess Outcomes Teacher Self-Assessment –Teacher Reviews all information and data collected during the year Describe Results and Provide Evidence Provide an overall assessment of whether the goal was met Describe what you did that produced the results (analyze final assessment) and provide evidence Describe what you learned and how you will use that learning going forward End of Year Summative Conference with Evaluator Meet to discuss evidence collected and goal outcomes Throughout the Year Teachers are supported (consider allowing time to work on student goals in collaboration at early data teams etc.) Collaborative practices within grade levels, content areas and with support specialists Ongoing discussion/collaboration on goals throughout the year===discuss progress /adjust instructional strategies Student learning goals will be seen as a simple compliance of exercise if not connected in a meaningful way to strengthening teacher practice and student learning Teacher Evaluation for Administrators

Windham Public School’s Teacher Evaluation Rubric

Windham Public School’s Teacher Evaluation Rubric

Windham Public School’s Support Specialists’ Evaluation Rubric

Windham Public School’s Support Specialists’ Evaluation Rubric