EM For Environmental Protection EM Means Effective Microorganisms Prof. Teuro Higa 1980 and discovery EM Triangle 2007 EM introduction in Cameroon EM Products are purely Organic EM is not genetically modified It has no negative effects on human and the environment
EM Products used in Environment EM for Livestock and Environmental Protection, foul odour elimination EM.5, as a disinfectant
Domains of EM Application in Environment Mal Odour Elimination in toilets Mal Odour in livestock farms Mal Odour in heaps of dirt's Disinfectant in livestock farm
Those to enjoy EM Technology in the environmental domain Livestock farmers for odour elimination The City Council for toilet drainage Proprietors of Schools for cleaning and odour control in toilets Individuals for cleaning and disinfectant
EM.5 and its advantages For pest and diseases control
EM ON HUMAN ENVIRONMENT EM is used to eradicate fungi, eczema, cleaning in homes, etc EM is also used to control Mal odour on the body and mouth of human, dresses, etc.
EM IN LIVESTOCK ENVIRONMENT EM is used in animal barns to eliminate mal odour and harmful microbes from their environment.
EM IN AQUACULTURE Destroy the algae boom Detoxifies Influence the growth of the plankton Purify the pond to produce healthy fish.
HOW TO USE EM FOR MAL ODOR CONTROL: Mix 20mls of EM in one litter of chlorine free water or 200ml in 15 liter of chlorine free water Spray the mixture where there is mal odor e.g. toilet, animal barns, etc. pour some in the toilet or pool of water. Spray or pour it three times a week for two weeks, then two times a week on regular bases. Mix 200ml into 15liters or a bucket of chlorine free water for mobbing of the floor and other cleaning.
Advantages of EM Products If EM products are well used in the environment The environment will be fresh and friendly. Free from odour There is no odour in livestock farm
Testimonies from EM Products users 1/ 2/ 3/
Appreciation Buea Poultry Farmers Mr. Ngu George Tenny Other farmers Would be users and users of EM Technology The team from MINADER and MINEPIA
Thanks for your kind attention Presented by EM Cameroon Field Staff Tel: 675 56 02 00 et 661 434 648 Email: emcameroon@yahoo.fr Website: www.emcameroon.com