The Incomparable Christ Colossians 1:15-23 Bill Lamkin
Issue Facing the Colossian Church Ascetic Judaizers who also advocated angel worship
Thesis of the Letter Christ is Pre-eminent over ALL, and I (Paul) mean ALL. Jesus is the only means of our acceptance with God.
We are “Qualified” by the Father, ONLY in Christ Purpose of the Letter We are “Qualified” by the Father, ONLY in Christ
What’s next in the letter? Explaining the Thesis statement!
Colossians 1:15-23 The Qualifier The Qualified “He…” “And you…” Is God (15) Is Creator (16) Is Pre-eminent (17) Is Head (18) Is the Redeemer (19) It is complete (20) Alienated, Hostile, evil (21) How/why are you saints (22) Perseverance (23) Paul’s Commitment to this Gospel (24)