TWS Education TWA Tuning and Customizing the Tivoli Integral Portal and Embedded WebSphere Application Server
Agenda Tuning the Embedded WebSphere Application Server Heap size (TWS and TDWC) Connection pool (TWS) Session timeout, maxOpenConnection, isGrowable (TDWC) Parameters for z/OS Connector Customizing the Tivoli Integral Portal 8.6 TDWCGlobalSettings.xml
Tuning the Embedded WebSphere Application Server: heap size The default Java maximum heap size might be too small for your requirements If you have any reason to suspect the performance of the embedded WebSphere Application Server, especially during massive object queries from TWS Console, or during planner activity, the suggestion is to increase the heap size TWS Master TWS Core Event Runtime SSM Planner Broker
Tuning the Embedded WebSphere Application Server: heap size The typical error message that you discover in the SystemOut.log is an OutOfMemory The change can be done in this file: <TWSHome>/appserver/profiles/twsprofile/config/cells/DefaultNod e/nodes/DefaultNode/servers/server1/server.xml Edit the following line at the bottom of the file "verboseModeClass="false" verboseModeGarbageCollection="false" verboseModeJNI="false" initialHeapSize="256" maximumHeapSize="1024" Change the maximumHeapSize, then restart the WebSphere Application Server
Tuning the Embedded WebSphere Application Server: heap size If you install the TWS 8.6 on a 64 bit platform, you can increase the heapsize to 2048 If you install the TWS 8.5.1 on a 64 bit platform, check the operating system This release still uses a 32-bit version of eWAS for some platforms (for example AIX, HP and Solaris) In this case the suggestion is to set the maximum heapsize value to 1536 Same considerations are valid for TDWC and z/OS connector and not only for TWS
Tuning the Embedded WebSphere Application Server: connection pool (TWS) “The connection pool is a cache of database connections maintained so that the connections can be reused when future requests to the database are required. Connection pools are used to enhance the performance of executing commands on a database.” The TWS connection pool is configurable in eWAS/profiles/TIPProfile/config/cells/TIPCell/nodes/TIPNode/servers/serve r1/resources.xml The default value for the maxConnectionPool is 30 DB TWS Master TWS Core Event Runtime SSM Planner Broker JDBC
Tuning the Embedded WebSphere Application Server: session timeout (TDWC) TDWC loads objects in memory when performing queries and searches of jobs or job streams These objects are released in three situations: A user clicks on the “LogOut” link in TDWC A user clicks either on “Close View” or on the Portlet ‘X’ Symbol When the session expiration timeout is passed If the user ends his session clicking on the browser ‘X’ symbol then the objects are released only when the session expires Based on how your operators work, you can evaluate to decrease the invalidationTimeout parameter in eWAS/profiles/TIPProfile/config/cells/TIPCell/nodes/TIPNode/ser vers/server1/server.xml The default value for invalidTimeout parameter is 2 hours
Tuning the Embedded WebSphere Application Server: maxOpenConnections (TDWC) This parameter is useful to improve the TDWC scalability Set maxOpenConnections=“20000” for WC_adminhost and WC_adminhost_secure in eWAS/profiles/twaprofile/config/cells/DefaultNode/nodes /DefaultNode/servers/twaserver/server.xml Just for TDWC 8.5.1 because the 8.6 addresses this.
Tuning the Embedded WebSphere Application Server : isGrowable (TDWC) This parameter is useful to improve the Graphical View scalability Set isGrowable=“true” for TWSWebUIWorkManager in eWAS/profiles/TIPProfile/config/cells/TIPCell/nodes/TIPN ode/servers/server1/resources-pme.xml
Tuning the Embedded WebSphere Application Server : z/OS Connector The following parameters are useful to improve the z/OS Connector performances: Change the connectionTimeoutCleanup from 60 minutes to 10 minutes Change the maxConnections (maximum number of physical connections that you can create in the pool) from 10 to 40 Change the connectionTimeout (after which a connection request times out and a ConnectionWaitTimeoutException is thrown) from 1 sec to 180 sec Change the unusedTimeout (the interval after which an unused or idle connection is discarded) from 60 sec to 300 sec Change the reapTime (the interval, in seconds, between runs of the pool maintenance thread) from 300 to 60 sec These values are automatically set as default values starting from the 8.6 Fixpack 1
Customizing the Tivoli Integral Portal Some general settings of Dynamic Workload Console can be included in a customizable file named TdwcGlobalSettings.xml A template of this file is located on the installation DVD under WEBUI/platform_name/utils You can modify it, replacing default values with customized ones and enabling commented sections After customizing this file, you must copy it in the /eWAS/profiles/TIPProfile/registry directory The file is organized into several sections that group similar properties
Customizing the Tivoli Integral Portal You can customize different sections like: the graphViews section contains some parameters related to the graphical views in the plan, such as the maximum number of objects shown in each view the NewsFeed section contains the configuration details to be constantly up-to-date with product information the application section defines the environment for which predefined tasks are created the zosHttpTimeout section indicates the increase/decrease timeout for http connection in Z/OS environmentChange this setting if you receive a connection timeout using plugin actions/picklists You can customize different sections like: the graphViews section contains some parameters related to the graphical views in the plan, such as the maximum number of objects shown in each view the NewsFeed section contains the configuration details to be constantly up-to-date with product information the application section defines the environment for which predefined tasks are created the zosHttpTimeout section indicates the increase/decrease timeout for http connection in Z/OS environmentChange this setting if you receive a connection timeout using plugin actions/picklists You can customize different sections like: the graphViews section contains some parameters related to the graphical views in the plan, such as the maximum number of objects shown in each view the NewsFeed section contains the configuration details to be constantly up-to-date with product information the application section defines the environment for which predefined tasks are created the zosHttpTimeout section indicates the increase/decrease timeout for http connection in Z/OS environmentChange this setting if you receive a connection timeout using plugin actions/picklists This is available starting from TWS 8.6 Fixpack 1
Customizing the Tivoli Integral Portal: an example This is an example about how to integrate job related documentation: <?xml version="1.0"?> <!— This file allows overriding some TDWC default values. It must be placed in the following directory: in case of TDWC installed on top of bundled WebSphere <TWA_install_dir>/eWAS/profiles/twaprofile/registry/ --> <tdwc> <settings> <twsObjectDoc> <property name="jobstreamUrlTemplate" value=" 1b5b804b06/page/Job stream ${js_name_w}" /> <property name="jobUrlTemplate" value=" 1b5b804b06/page/Job ${job_name_w}" /> <property name="customActionLabel" value="Workload Automation Doku" /> </twsObjectDoc> </settings> </tdwc> This is just an example!
Customizing the Tivoli Integral Portal The new Action is displayed!!
Customizing the Tivoli Integral Portal The Wiki page is opened!