Bellringer: Nov. 12 On page R30-31 in the blue textbook, the resources pages describe how to write a good introduction. Read through the suggestions and select which option you would use to write about “Through the Tunnel.” Record your selection in your notes for the story.
Explaining quotations (last class’s activity) An example for quotation A “…it [the first quotation] is explaining what Tin Win had to go through when he was blind which is his obstacle and which he must overcome. The “bonds” he had, he felt restrict him, so he must get through them. This [overcoming] could lead to him finding out his [life’s] meaning.”
An example for quotation B “The text evidence from page 88 best demonstrates the theme. By not looking back at her childhood for solutions, she is overcoming obstacles. When Julia says she isn’t the type to look for the cause of her problems in her childhood, she is essentially saying that’s how she overcomes the obstacles in her life. Julia keeps moving forward and doesn’t respect those who don’t do the same which demonstrates the theme. She finds meaning for herself by not looking back.”
An example for quotation C “The prince had to overcome the obstacle of the crocodiles to get to the princess. By risking his life, he found the meaning of life. He risked his life for the princess who he loved.”
As you write today, Be sure to elaborate every quotation you use. Connect the dots for your reader to show your thinking. Assume your reader is not psychic and will not understand how your example shows the theme unless you unambiguously tell her.
Reading “Through the Tunnel” Create this four category chart using the blank paper. DETAIL ABOUT THE SETTING POSSIBLE SYMBOLIC MEANING Childish behavior Adult-like behavior
Discuss with your partner What message or theme about growing up does the author present? How does she reinforce this theme through characterization? How does she reinforce this theme through setting? Remember – if all journeys are essentially a search for self-knowledge, what does Jerry learn about himself during his journey through this rite of passage? Answer that and you’ll probably be able to express a theme.
Written Response How does an author use characterization and setting to develop a theme? Use your chart and discussion questions to help write your response. Use the text too! Due – Today. You have the full class period to finish reading and to write. If you work diligently, you will get it done. If you fool around and are off task, you will have to schedule a time to finish it BEFORE SCHOOL. Don’t waste time.
If you finish early, You could work on the drafts for Lesson 4 of the unit project. You could read Art of Hearing Heartbeats. You could meditate on how the immense focus on consumerism is gradually eroding the intellect and tenacity of Americans thus making each subsequent generation’s lives a little less meaningful and more cluttered with the trappings of stuff.
Exit Ticket While it is important to understand what an author says, why is it also important to understand how an author writes effectively?