Aim: What are some applications of Genetic Engineering? Genetic Engineering is a process that is used to the alter the genetic instructions in organisms.
Genetic Engineering Review: Scientists can target and identify a gene. Cut the desired gene with restriction enzymes.
Genetic Engineering Review: The gene is combined with the DNA of another organism. DNA from Organism 2 This process is called: DNA from Organism 1 GENE SPLICING The combined DNA is called: Recombinant DNA Cell of an organism The recombinant DNA is inserted into the cell of another organism.
What is the end result? A genetically engineered organism Recombinant DNA Cell of an organism
Applications of Genetic Engineering: Scientists genetically alter the DNA of bacteria to produce human proteins. How many pieces of bacterial DNA do you see? 2 What are they called? Chromosome and a Plasmid
Bacterial Chromosome vs. Human Chromosome X
Bacteria also have PLASMIDS Plasmids are small, circular DNA molecules that are found in some bacteria. Scientists alter the genetic instructions found in the Plasmids.
How can we alter the genetic material of bacteria to produce human insulin? Step 1: DNA is removed from a human cell and insulin gene is cut out with Restriction Enzymes.
How can we alter the genetic material of bacteria to produce human insulin? Step 2: Plasmid is removed from a bacterial cell and is cut with Restriction Enzymes.
How can we alter the genetic material of bacteria to produce human insulin? Step 3: Insulin Gene and Bacterial Plasmid are ______ together to form ____________ Spliced Recombinant DNA
How can we alter the genetic material of bacteria to produce human insulin? Step 4: Recombinant DNA is inserted into a bacterial cell.
How can we alter the genetic material of bacteria to produce human insulin? Step 5: Bacteria undergo ________ reproduction and are capable of producing the protein insulin. Asexual
Scientists can also genetically alter foods: Genetically modified foods can be engineered to produce natural pesticides.
Scientists can also genetically alter foods: Genetically modified foods can be engineered to increase their content of vitamins.
Green Glowing Pigs In daylight, their eyes and skin are green-tinged When lit up in the dark, the pigs glow green