UNIT PHYSICAL TRAINING PROGRAM Cadet Devon Botteri Cadet John Eischer Cadet John Gordon Cadet Ray Jeven Labio
Unit and METL Unit: Alpha Detachment, 556th Personal Services Battalion, 25th Infantry Division METL: -Conduct Mobilization/Deployment Operations -Conduct PSS and Sustainment -Exercise Command and Control -Protect the Force -Move Over, Through, or Around Obstacles -Dismount/Re-mount a vehicle
Mentor Feedback “Make certain your soldiers are eating well balanced meals even when they don’t want to. Their food intake will directly effect their physical performance.” “Encourage soldiers to take ownership of their subordinates and lead from the front in every way possible (including PT)” “Take care of your soldiers and they will take care of you down range. This means making certain they are not only healthy, but are able to perform their warrior tasks beyond the standard.” “Soldiers don’t need a friend they need a leader who takes charge and sets the tone for the unit.”
Unit Assessment 1 Soldier is on profile for a broken arm, but can conduct minimal PT 4 Soldiers failed to pass the run on the last APFT 1 Soldier is on the Army Weight Control Program
Facts and Assumptions Facts Assumptions 12 week training program Quarterly APFT Upcoming FTX Assumptions Might be deployed earlier than expected with rotation Other training won’t interfere with PT program
Company METL Choose Physical requirements to match company METL of the following: METL: -Conduct Mobilization/Deployment Operations -Conduct PSS and Sustainment -Exercise Command and Control -Protect the Force -Move Over, Through, or Around Obstacles -Dismount/ Re-mount a vehicle
Physical Requirements/Challenges Soldiers must be able to lift and move their weapon system on short notice quickly and effectively Soldiers need to move quick and effectively across the battlefield without becoming overly fatigued Soldiers must have the agility and speed to mount and re-mount a vehicle on a short notice Soldiers must be able to overcome obstacles, such as pulling one’s self on a ledge or low crawling Soldiers need to be able to evacuate casualties in varying terrain and circumstances. Soldiers must be able to evacuate a vehicle safely in the event that a rollover occurs.
Fitness Objectives Goals: Key Tasks Endstate 270 minimum APFT 12 mile foot march in 3 hours or less with 50 lb ruck No soldiers on overweight program Soldiers can perform basic survival skills, such as inflating ACUs in water Soldier’s accomplish Physical Reqs. IAW Company METL Key Tasks All soldiers pass APFT, properly execute basic survival tasks, and complete foot march in given time Endstate Soldiers prepared for WAR!
Physical Requirements (10) Exercises (10) Secondary Benefits (5) Individual Task Physical Requirements (10) Exercises (10) Secondary Benefits (5) Resources Conduct Individual Movement Technique Dismount and Remount Vehicles Loading Heavy Ammo Crates onto Vehicles Breaching Obstacles Confidence Control Mental toughness Combat effectiveness – life saving Greater stamina Obstacle courses Track and fields Hills Climbing facility Pull-up bars Weight room All-fours run Interval sprints Indian runs Hill runs Obstacle courses Rope climb Squats Grass Drills Pull-ups Abdominal Exercises -Flutter kicks Confidence Control Unit Trust Combat efficiency Physical Endurance Obstacle courses Fields Hills Ropes Pull-up bars Weight room Balance Speed Agility Sprinting (CV strength) Getting up and down Jumping over terrain Reaction Time Coordination High crawl Low crawl Squats Shoulder press Chest press Triceps Extension Shrugs Bicep Curls Weighted lunges Rope Climb Interval Sprints Side-Straddle Hop Cohesion Teamwork Control Greater stamina Increased agility Trucks Full equipment load Balance Muscular Strength Muscular endurance Jumping Climbing Getting up and down Vaulting Agility Speed Pushing heavy objects Power Muscular Strength Muscular endurance Lifting heavy objects Holding heavy objects Carrying heavy objects Lowering heavy objects Strong Grip Balance Good stance Speed Agility Sprinting (CV strength) Getting up and down Jumping Vaulting Climbing High crawl Low crawl Clean lift Chest press Standing row Triceps Extension Shrugs Bicep Curls Dumbbell Rows Kettlebell raises Squats Lat raises All-fours run Interval sprints Suicide runs Hill runs Obstacle courses Rope climb Leg Press High jumps Pull-ups Side-Straddle Hop Cohesion Teamwork Core stabilization Increased strength and power Unit efficiency Ammo crates Protective gloves Any heavy objects Trucks Weight room
Physical Requirements (10) Exercises (10) Secondary Benefits (5) Individual Task Physical Requirements (10) Exercises (10) Secondary Benefits (5) Resources Evacuate a casualty Vehicle roll-over drill All-fours run Interval sprints Indian runs Hill runs Shoulder press Chest press Triceps Extension Shrugs Bicep Curls Weighted lunges Confidence Cohesion Unit Trust Combat efficiency Physical Endurance Obstacle courses Fields Hills Litter Balance Speed Agility Sprinting (CV strength) Getting up and down Jumping over terrain Reaction Time Coordination Muscular Strength Muscular endurance Balance Muscular Strength Muscular endurance Jumping Climbing Getting up and down Vaulting Agility Speed Pushing heavy objects Squats Shoulder press Chest press Triceps Extension Shrugs Bicep Curls Weighted lunges Rope Climb Interval Sprints Side-Straddle Hop Confidence Teamwork Control Greater stamina Increased agility Trucks Full equipment load
FITT Chart Objectives Frequency Intensity Time Type Minimum APFT Score 270 (Muscular Fitness Focus) Minimum APFT Score 270 (Cardio Focus) Water Survival Training Foot March Conditioning (12miles in 3 hours or less with 35 lb ruck) Soldiers able to pack, move, and reestablish their weapon systems (Improved Speed and Agility) Frequency 1-2 times per week Once every two weeks 1 day per week Intensity Low to high intensity Increasing distance and pace Increasing distances, low intensity High Intensity Time 1-1.5 hours 1-1.5 hour sessions 1.5-3 hours Type Pushups Sit-ups Flutter Kicks Ranger Wall Pull-ups with negatives reps Bear Crawls Low crawl Dips The Rower Crunches Planks Ankles to the Bar Leg Lifts Body Squats Lunges Endurance run for 40 min. minimally Sprints Stair Runs Interval runs Indian runs Fartlek Run Runs with weighted vests Swimming with ACUs and weapon Inflate clothes for extended survival Bob and Travel Use different strokes Unit water polo matches Increasing ruck weight and distance Decreasing times for specific distances Obstacle courses Illinois drills Pickle Ultimate Frisbee Speed tests with equipment assembly/ disassembly
Calendar Template Alternating two week Calendar D e p a r t m e n t o f P h y s i c a l E d u c a t i o n Calendar Template Alternating two week Calendar Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Squad PT Company PT Platoon PT Platoon PT Muscular Fitness (High) Sports Day (Skill)) Water Survival (Low-High) Cardio (High) Combatives (High) Muscular Fitness (High) Ruck March Focus Muscular Fitness (Low)
1-2 Weeks Alternating two week Calendar D e p a r t m e n t o f P h y s i c a l E d u c a t i o n 1-2 Weeks Alternating two week Calendar Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Squad PT Company PT Platoon PT Platoon PT Muscular Fitness (High) Sports Day (Skill)) Water Survival (Low-High) Cardio (High) Combatives (High) Muscular Fitness (High) Ruck March Focus Muscular Fitness (Low)
3-4 Weeks Alternating two week Calendar D e p a r t m e n t o f P h y s i c a l E d u c a t i o n 3-4 Weeks Alternating two week Calendar Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Platoon PT Platoon PT Field PT – Weapons PT (Low-High) Field PT – Cardio/Calisthenics (High) Field PT – Buddy Carry and Relays (High) Field PT – Pushups and Sit-ups (Low) Field PT - Combatives (High) Company PT Muscular Fitness (High) Sports Day (Skill)) Water Survival (Low-High Intensity) Ruck March Focus (Low-High) Cardio (High)
5-6 Weeks Alternating two week Calendar D e p a r t m e n t o f P h y s i c a l E d u c a t i o n 5-6 Weeks Alternating two week Calendar Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Squad PT Company PT Platoon PT Platoon PT Muscular Fitness (High) Sports Day (Skill)) Water Survival (Low-High) Cardio (High) Combatives (High) Muscular Fitness (High) Ruck March Focus Cardio and Stretching (Low) APFT (High)
7-8 Weeks Alternating two week Calendar D e p a r t m e n t o f P h y s i c a l E d u c a t i o n 7-8 Weeks Alternating two week Calendar Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Squad PT Company PT Platoon PT Platoon PT Muscular Fitness (High) Sports Day (Skill)) Water Survival (Low-High) Cardio (High) Combatives (High) Muscular Fitness (High) Ruck March Focus Illinois Drills and Pickle (Low-High)
D e p a r t m e n t o f P h y s i c a l E d u c a t i o n Combatives Frequency-Once every other week for combatives specific training Intensity-Learning the techniques at different speeds and sparring at 50% and 100% intensities Time-40 minutes of training and 5 minutes for sparring Type-interval training
Combatives D e p a r t m e n t o f P h y s i c a l E d u c a t i o n Progression: Start with the basic positions and techniques Assume everyone is a beginner Regularity: Techniques-every other week Cardio, Muscular-in other training throughout the week Overload: 100% intensity sparring Variety: Switch positions and partners Recovery: This exercise is always before the weekend Realism: Train at high intensities to simulate reality Teach valuable skills Balance: between all 5 components (F, CR, MS, ME & BC) Uses the whole body Specificity: Train specific techniques utilizing specific muscles
D e p a r t m e n t o f P h y s i c a l E d u c a t i o n Cardio Frequency-At least one cardio specific workout a week but cardio is included in the other ones Intensity-High Intensity Time-Short sprint exercises, long marches and swims Type-Continuous and interval training
Cardio D e p a r t m e n t o f P h y s i c a l E d u c a t i o n Progression: Run groups and the soldiers will move up and down depending on ability Regularity: At least once a week and cardio is involved in most of the other training Overload: Short Sprint workouts Variety: Alternate between swimming, marching and running Recovery: The cardio workouts are spaed throughout the week Realism: Run groups provide realistic goals and ability Balance: Running and marches for lower body and swimming for upper body Specificity: Train specific techniques utilizing specific muscles
Road March Week Week 2: Week 4: Week 6: Week 8: Distance 10 km 14 km Load 40 lbs 50 lbs 60 lbs Time 1:25 hours 1:50 hours 2:30 hours 3:00 hours
Sources -http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v156/1idvet/Home%20Page/25ID.jpg