Measuring the strength of a Magnetic Field © D Hoult 2008
When current flows through a conductor which is in a magnetic field, it experiences a force, except when the conductor is
When current flows through a conductor which is in a magnetic field, it experiences a force, except when the conductor is parallel to the flux lines
When current flows through a conductor which is in a magnetic field, it experiences a force, except when the conductor is parallel to the flux lines The direction of the force is at 90° to both the current and the flux lines
When current flows through a conductor which is in a magnetic field, it experiences a force, except when the conductor is parallel to the flux lines The direction of the force is at 90° to both the current and the flux lines Fleming’s left hand rule helps to remember the relation between the three directions…
Thumb First finger Second finger
ThuMb Motion First finger Second finger
ThuMb Motion First finger Field Second finger
ThuMb Motion First finger Field SeCond finger Current
Factors affecting the Magnitude of the Force The force depends on
The force depends on - the current flowing through the conductor, I
The force depends on - the current flowing through the conductor - the length of conductor in the field
The force depends on - the current flowing through the conductor - the length of conductor in the field Experiments show that
The force depends on - the current flowing through the conductor - the length of conductor in the field Experiments show that F a current, I
The force depends on - the current flowing through the conductor - the length of conductor in the field Experiments show that F a current, I F a length of conductor, L
The force depends on - the current flowing through the conductor - the length of conductor in the field Experiments show that F a current, I F a length of conductor, L F = I L × a constant
The force depends on - the current flowing through the conductor - the length of conductor in the field Experiments show that F a current, I F a length of conductor, L F = I L × a constant magnetic field strength or
The force depends on - the current flowing through the conductor - the length of conductor in the field Experiments show that F a current, I F a length of conductor, L F = I L × a constant magnetic field strength or magnetic flux density
F = I L B
F = I L B units of B Newtons per Amp per meter, NA-1m-1
F = I L B units of B Newtons per Amp per meter, NA-1m-1 1 NA-1m-1 is called 1 Tesla (1 T)
F = I L B units of B Newtons per Amp per meter NA-1m-1 1 NA-1m-1 is called 1 Tesla (1 T) The flux density of a magnetic field is
F = I L B units of B Newtons per Amp per meter NA-1m-1 1 NA-1m-1 is called 1 Tesla (1 T) The flux density of a magnetic field is the force per unit current per unit length acting on a conductor placed at 90° to the field
F = I L B units of B Newtons per Amp per meter NA-1m-1 1 NA-1m-1 is called 1 Tesla (1 T) The flux density of a magnetic field is the force per unit current per unit length acting on a conductor placed at 90° to the field F = I L B sin q