LEQ: What causes the cycle of seasons on Earth? Key Terms: Revolution, axis, solstice, equinox, vernal equinox, autumnal equinox.
Pre Quiz Before continuing the slide show please link to and take the Seasons on line pre quiz Seasons Pre Quiz Record your score on your notes sheet.
The Earth experiences two major motions as it travels through space: Earth’s Motions The Earth experiences two major motions as it travels through space: Rotation Revolution
How Sunlight Hits Earth The more direct the sun’s rays strike the Earth, the warmer the temperature.
Earth’s Tilted Axis Because the Earth is tilted on its axis 23.5 degrees, we experience changes in The amount of daylight during the year. The angle at which the sun’s rays strike different parts of the Earth. Lets view the video clip about Earth’s tilt.
Exploring the Seasons Lets view the video clip about the seasonal changes by latitude. Important terms: Equinox: 2 days of the year when we have equal day, equal night. Solstice: 2 days of the year when the sun is directly overhead at 23.5 degrees north of the equator, or 23.5 degrees south of the equator.
The Earth in June Northern hemisphere is pointed toward the sun, the southern hemisphere is pointed away from the sun. The sun’s rays are more direct in the Northern Hemisphere, and less direct in the southern hemisphere. The northern hemisphere experiences summer, the southern hemisphere experiences winter. The June (summer) solstice is on June 21.
The Earth in September Neither hemisphere is pointed toward the sun. The sun’s rays are direct over the equator. The southern hemisphere experiences spring, the northern hemisphere experiences fall. The September (autumnal) equinox is on September 21.
The Earth in December Southern hemisphere is pointed toward the sun, the northern hemisphere is pointed away from the sun. The sun’s rays are more direct in the southern Hemisphere, and less direct in the northern hemisphere. The southern hemisphere experiences summer, the northern hemisphere experiences winter. The December (winter) solstice is on December 21.
The Earth in March Neither hemisphere is pointed toward the sun. The sun’s rays are direct over the equator. The southern hemisphere experiences fall, the northern hemisphere experiences spring. The March (vernal) equinox is on March 21.
Seasons in the northern and southern hemispheres. Lets view the Video clip to learn more about the seasons in the northern and southern hemispheres.
Review This activity will help you review our LEQ. Please try it. Seasons Animation
Pearson Successnet Navigate to your Pearson Successnet “to do” list, and do the following activities: A. 1.2 “What Causes Seasons” summary activity. B. 1.2 “Seasons and Earth’s Revolution” interactive art activity. This activity will be graded.
Last Step Pick up a copy of the Seasons Activity Sheet. On part 1, use the word bank, and label the diagram. On part 2, do the seasons game. Turn in your Power Point Notes and your Activity sheet when complete.