Effective Feedback
Feedback Praise Constructive criticism Praise Sandwich
Sandwich method “ Well you have done well, your vocabulary was clear, audible and concise” “Most of the time you read- not talked, your body movement was not enough, eye contact---poor, body------, dress-----, hair---, video----” “But most important is that you have that courage to rectify, and you loving improving yourself, I know next time you will do better”
Signal( sign post) Method You should know where to stop Start with mild reasonable talk Give the actual criticism in a positive way
Descriptive vs. Suggestion feedback Describes behavior or action and its impact “ Rahman when you promise me that you will have a report ready at a certain time and I don,t get it, that really frustrates me. It puts me behind schedule and makes me feel very resentful toward you. Are you aware that such things are going on, and how should we work out this kind of problem?” Suggestion “Rahman, let me make a suggestion that would really be of help to me as we work together. If you could get your reports to me on time, particularly those that have been promised at a certain time, it would help my work schedule and reduce my frustration. Also, if I don,t get a report on time, what would you prefer I do about it”
Pendleton,s Rules Group suggest alternatives Learner feedback to the facilitator Group suggest alternatives Self assessment by learner Discussion Skills used to achieve successful outcomes Facilatator group What was done well Self assessment by learner To acknowledge what was done well
Settings of Feedback Best achieved when given in an appropriate setting. Student usually dislike receiving feedback in inappropriate places, such as crowded elevator or at a get-together
Welcome or Refuse? The general principles of adult learning suggest that adult learners welcome feedback, especially when it is based on their performance and tailored to their goals
Yes- No Students are mostly reading note books They are reluctant to come at evening Students are notoriously liar They can come ward without apron They can enjoy classical Film They have to enjoy music as well They should not allow proxy Formative assessment should not continue Curriculum should follow
So what we do for effective Feedback? (Conclusion) Creating a respectful , friendly, open-minded, unthreatening climate Eliciting thoughts and feelings before giving feedback Being non-judgemental Focusing on behaviors Basing feedback on observed facts Basing feedback on specifics Giving the right amount of feedback Suggesting ideas for improvement Basing feedback on well defined, negotiated goals.