DAAD / FU Berlin TPD Seminar: Joint and Double Degree Programs in Engineering Education Chicago, June 16th-18th 2006 Tuning Educational Structures in Europe: The shift from In-put to Outcomes and from teaching to learning Günter Heitmann, Technical University Berlin SEFI, E4/TREE, EUR-ACE
1. The Tuning project in the context of the Bologna Process 2. Engineering Education and the Tuning of Educational Structures in Europe 3. Impact on Internationalisation and the development of Joint and Double Degree programs
Bologna Process Deficiencies Need for an agreement on qualitative aspects of cycles and levels: Need for an agreement on qualitative aspects of cycles and levels: - framework of qualifications with qualitative dimensions - framework of qualifications with qualitative dimensions - in-put versus outcomes orientation, - in-put versus outcomes orientation, - a common language and shared understanding of level descriptors and learning outcomes, - a common language and shared understanding of level descriptors and learning outcomes, - curriculum development based on intended outcomes; - curriculum development based on intended outcomes; Need for shared, trust building quality assurance approaches in Europe Need for shared, trust building quality assurance approaches in Europe Quality improvement perspectives and incentives Quality improvement perspectives and incentives
The Tuning Educational Structures in Europe project: Objectives The Tuning Educational Structures in Europe project: Objectives To create a basis for comparability and transparency To create a basis for comparability and transparency To facilitate a high level of European-wide convergence but keeping diversity To facilitate a high level of European-wide convergence but keeping diversity To produce reference points for analysing and comparing program and degree structures and outcomes To produce reference points for analysing and comparing program and degree structures and outcomes To stimulate Universities to develop their strategies with reference not only to knowledge/contents, but also to general competences and to teaching/learning methodologies To stimulate Universities to develop their strategies with reference not only to knowledge/contents, but also to general competences and to teaching/learning methodologies
The Tuning project: Organisation 2000 to 2006 The Tuning project: Organisation 2000 to 2006 Tuning educational structures in Europe, project of a Network of 135 European Universities built in 2000, funded by the European Union; Tuning educational structures in Europe, project of a Network of 135 European Universities built in 2000, funded by the European Union; Focused on a general approach to competence based curriculum development and specifications in meanwhile 9 subject areas, Focused on a general approach to competence based curriculum development and specifications in meanwhile 9 subject areas, including Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry including Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry Cooperations and synergy groups with other subject areas and networks including engineering education; Cooperations and synergy groups with other subject areas and networks including engineering education; Cooperation with Latin-America since the second stage ; Cooperation with Latin-America since the second stage ; Voluntary application of the tuning approach at various universities
The Tuning project approach The Tuning project approach Program and curriculum development based on outcomes Program and curriculum development based on outcomes Outcomes defined in terms of generic and subject specific competences Outcomes defined in terms of generic and subject specific competences Distinction of 30 generic competences which stakeholders should use to specify their requirements and universities / program providers to specify their profile Distinction of 30 generic competences which stakeholders should use to specify their requirements and universities / program providers to specify their profile Investigations in required subject specific competencies based on questionnaires for various stakeholders Investigations in required subject specific competencies based on questionnaires for various stakeholders Curriculum development, performance assessment and quality assurance based on required or intended learning outcomes phrased as competences
The Tuning project: Generic competences The Tuning project: Generic competences Ranking:First ten competences as perceived from graduates and employers: Ranking:First ten competences as perceived from graduates and employers: Capacity for applying knowledge in practice Capacity for applying knowledge in practice Capacity to adapt to new situations Capacity to adapt to new situations Concern for quality Concern for quality Information management skills Information management skills Ability to work autonomously Ability to work autonomously Capacity for analysis and synthesis Capacity for analysis and synthesis Capacity to learn Capacity to learn Problem solving Problem solving Teamwork Teamwork Capacity for organisation and planning Capacity for organisation and planning
The Tuning project: Generic competences The Tuning project: Generic competences Ranking: Last three competences as perceived from graduates : Ranking: Last three competences as perceived from graduates : Understanding of cultures and customs of other countries Understanding of cultures and customs of other countries Appreciation of diversity and multiculturality Appreciation of diversity and multiculturality Ability to work in an international context Ability to work in an international context Employers had a much higher ranking of these competences
Tuning project: subject specific competences Subject specific competences have been differently determined by the involved 9 subject area groups of the Tuning project. The German National Framework of Qualifications for Higher Education from 2005, has partly adopted the generic competence classification of the Tuning approach
2. Engineering Education and Tuning of Educational Structures in Europe Engineering Education was not part of the Tuning project but collaborated by a synergy group of the Thematic Network E4/TREE and the Thematic Network of Civil Engineering (EUCEET), Engineering Education was not part of the Tuning project but collaborated by a synergy group of the Thematic Network E4/TREE and the Thematic Network of Civil Engineering (EUCEET), The Engineering education community shifted to outcomes orientation earlier than the Tuning project but favours a more operational phrasing of outcomes derived from engineering work situations and its economic, societal and cultural context The Engineering education community shifted to outcomes orientation earlier than the Tuning project but favours a more operational phrasing of outcomes derived from engineering work situations and its economic, societal and cultural context This is reflected in national and transnational (EUR-ACE) accreditation standards, subject benchmarks, requirement questionnaires, programme specifications, course module descriptions This is reflected in national and transnational (EUR-ACE) accreditation standards, subject benchmarks, requirement questionnaires, programme specifications, course module descriptions The Thematic Network Engineering Education in Europe (E4) proposed a comprehensive approach to curriculum development The Thematic Network Engineering Education in Europe (E4) proposed a comprehensive approach to curriculum development
Curriculum development requirements: Programs should not only educate subject related competences but personal competences and social skills and attitudes; Programs should not only educate subject related competences but personal competences and social skills and attitudes; Program providers must specify and justify the envisaged qualification profile according to the needs and the level; Program providers must specify and justify the envisaged qualification profile according to the needs and the level; Module/Course providers must specify learning objectives and intended learning outcomes; Module/Course providers must specify learning objectives and intended learning outcomes; Program providers must make evident, by which kind of teaching/learning arrangements they plan to achieve the intended outcomes and how to assess them; Program providers must make evident, by which kind of teaching/learning arrangements they plan to achieve the intended outcomes and how to assess them; Continuous quality assurance has to be implemented and approaches for program development must exist. Continuous quality assurance has to be implemented and approaches for program development must exist.
ABET - Evaluation & Assessment Cycles 2-loop Process Input from Constituencies Input from Constituencies Evaluate Objectives Evaluate Objectives/ Assess Outcomes Formal Instruction Student Activities Formal Instruction Student Activities Establish Indicators for Outcomes to Lead to Achievement of Objectives Establish Indicators for Outcomes to Lead to Achievement of Objectives Determine How Outcomes will be Assessed Determine How Outcomes will be Assessed Determine How Outcomes will be Achieved Determine How Outcomes will be Achieved Determine Outcomes Required to Achieve Objectives Determine Outcomes Required to Achieve Objectives Determine educational objectives Determine educational objectives
UK-SPEC Competence Statements Using knowledge and understanding to apply and develop technology Using knowledge and understanding to apply and develop technology Applying appropriate theoretical and practical methods Applying appropriate theoretical and practical methods Providing technical and commercial leadership and management Providing technical and commercial leadership and management Demonstrating effective interpersonal skills Demonstrating effective interpersonal skills Recognizing obligations to society, the profession and the environment Recognizing obligations to society, the profession and the environment
UK-SPEC: General Learning Outcomes Knowledge and Understanding Knowledge and Understanding Intellectual Abilities Intellectual Abilities Practical Skills Practical Skills General Transferable Skills General Transferable Skills Applicable to all registration categories and qualification levels
Specific Learning Outcomes Underpinning Science and Mathematics Underpinning Science and Mathematics Engineering analysis Engineering analysis Design Design Economic, social and environmental context Economic, social and environmental context Engineering Practice Engineering Practice Presented for Bachelors (Honours) and MEng degree level for CEng registration Details:
Output Standards of the Engineering Professors Council (UK) Defined 26 generic abilities (ability to...) in 7 groups, which are in the core of engineering: Defined 26 generic abilities (ability to...) in 7 groups, which are in the core of engineering: 1. Ability to exercise Key Skills, 2. Ability to transform existing systems into conceptual models, 3. Ability to transform conceptual models into determinable models
Output Standards of the Engineering Professors Council (UK) 4. Ability to use determinable models to obtain system specifications in terms of parametric values, 5. Ability to select optimum specifications and create physical models, 6. Ability to apply the results from physical models to create real target systems, 7. Ability to critically review real target systems and personal performance.
ABET Program Outcomes (a - k) An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science and engineering appropriate to the discipline a a An ability to function on multi-disciplinary teams d d An ability to design and conduct experiments, analyze and interpret data b b An ability to design system, component, or process to meet desired needs c c An ability to identify, formulate and solve engineering problems e e An understanding of professional and ethical responsibility f f
ABET Program Outcomes (a - k) A recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life- long learning i i An ability to communicate effectively g g The broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a societal context h h A knowledge of contemporary issues j j An ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice issues k k
CDIO – Conceive, Design, Implement, Operate an Outcomes and Competence Based Curriculum Development
CDIO outcomes 1. Technical Knowledge & Reasoning: Knowledge of underlying sciences Knowledge of underlying sciences Core engineering fundamental knowledge Core engineering fundamental knowledge Advanced engineering fundamental knowledge Advanced engineering fundamental knowledge 2. Personal and Professional Skills & Attributes Attributes Engineering reasoning and problem solving Engineering reasoning and problem solving Experimentation and knowledge discovery Experimentation and knowledge discovery System thinking System thinking Personal skills and attributes Personal skills and attributes Professional skills and attributes Professional skills and attributes
CDIO outcomes 3. Interpersonal Skills: Teamwork & Communication Multi-disciplinary teamwork Multi-disciplinary teamwork Communications Communications Communication in a foreign language Communication in a foreign language 4. Conceiving, Designing, Implementing & Operating Systems in the Enterprise & Societal Context Systems in the Enterprise & Societal Context External and societal context External and societal context Enterprise and business context Enterprise and business context Conceiving ad engineering systems Conceiving ad engineering systems Designing Designing Implementing Implementing Operating Operating List of Outcomes contains 2-3 more layers of detail
REMARKABLE AGREEMENT! Proficiency expectations - professionals
3. Impact on Internationalization and the development of Joint and Double Degree programs 3. Impact on Internationalization and the development of Joint and Double Degree programs Development of common outcomes oriented reference standards facilitates agreement on objectives of joint programs; Development of common outcomes oriented reference standards facilitates agreement on objectives of joint programs; Intended learning outcomes of transnational program structures and modules can be better determined; Intended learning outcomes of transnational program structures and modules can be better determined; Expected added value of study or internship abroad can be explicitely fixed; Expected added value of study or internship abroad can be explicitely fixed; Common approach to curriculum development facilitates mutual recognition and quality assurance/accreditation Common approach to curriculum development facilitates mutual recognition and quality assurance/accreditation Recognition of different qualification levels and respective degrees will be easier, e.g. with regard to schemes of licensing and/or registration Recognition of different qualification levels and respective degrees will be easier, e.g. with regard to schemes of licensing and/or registration
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