Registration Prep EOC SOMERSET ACADEMY CANYONS Winter 2019 Available January 14th Through march 15th EOC Prep Ten Week Camp held After-School: One-time $100.00 registration fee per subject (ELA or Math) , $50.00 for Friday sessions ***Equates to $5.00 a session*** Online Payments ONLY: ELA: Mondays and Wednesdays Math: Tuesdays and Thursdays 6th, 7th, 8th grade 9th grade Algebra 1 10th grade Geometry EOC and Science Friday 7th grade EOC Civics 8th grade NGSSS Science Biology EOC U. S. History EOC 3:15-4:15 p.m. For more information, email Mrs. Campbell at or call the school office on (561) 732-8252.