Use of a Peer Notetaker Accommodation If you receive “Use of a Peer Notetaker” as an accommodation this tutorial will show you how to implement that accommodation
If you have Notetaking Assistance as an accommodation… Meet and discuss with your instructors the need for the Notetaking Assistance accommodation. If you have more than one method option for Notetaking Assistance, let your instructor know your preferred method (i.e. peer notetaker or copies of slides/PowerPoints). You and your instructor will decide together which notetaking method(s) will work best for the class If you’ll be using a Peer Notetaker, here’s a few details on that accommodation…
Using your Peer Notetaker Accommodation You confirm the need for a Notetaker within the Notetaking Assistance portal in myAccess. Click on Confirm Now next to each class in which you need a Notetaker. Disability Center will work with instructors to recruit a Notetaker. Note: If an instructor needs more information about this accommodation, they can find a guide on the Disability Center’s website called Notetaking Assistance – Guide for Faculty
Using your Peer Notetaker Accommodation Notetaker Assigned: You will receive an email notification once a Notetaker has signed up and is assigned to your course(es). You will also begin to receive email notifications each time a Notetaker uploads their notes into myAccess.
Viewing and Downloading Notes To download available notes: Log into myAccess On the left hand menu under “My Accommodations,” click on “Notetaking Assistance” This takes you to your courses that have Notetakers You will see which classes notes are available for Click on “Available Note(s) for Download” Notetakers Name
Viewing and Downloading Notes (cont.) After clicking on “Available notes for download,” the link for downloading will appear Click on the link: “Download Note” The PDF or Word document can then be saved or printed for your use Notetakers Name
Peer Notetaker Questions & Answers Q: Can I identify my own Peer Notetaker? A: Yes, absolutely. If you happen to know a student in the class, please feel free to ask them if they might be interested in serving as a Notetaker. If they are, be sure to provide them details about signing up and responsibilities as a Notetaker, in addition to how to receive our token of thanks at the end of semester. The information for Notetakers is found using the link below:
Peer notetaker Questions & Answers Q: What if I ask the professor and the second week of class goes by and I don’t have a notetaker. What do I do? A: Approach your professor again to see if he or she has the name of the notetaker. If not, ask that a second announcement be made to request a volunteer. If, after the second announcement, you still do not have a notetaker, contact your Access Advisor or Coordinator in the Disability Center for assistance.
Peer notetaker Questions & Answers Q: How long will the notes be available? A: The notes will be available in our myAccess system until the end of the current semester. If you would like to have the notes longer, you can save a copy of them for yourself.
Peer notetaker Questions & Answers Q: What if I receive emails about notes for a class that I have dropped? A: If you receive an email notification for a course where you don’t need notes, let the Disability Center know and we will remove you from that list.
You can reach the Disability Center by email At the end of the semester, the office will send out Notetaker Evaluation forms for you to give feedback on your volunteer notetakers. If you have any issues or questions regarding notes, please contact our office so we can assist you as quickly as possible. You can reach the Disability Center by email or by phone (573) 882-4696. We are happy to help!