Ms. Hovious’ 1st Grade Week of: November 26, 2018 -December 20- Holiday Program -December 21-2:20 Early Dismissal -December 24-January 4 Christmas Break We will be wrap up our chapter on related facts and focus on fluency. Students are expected to add and subtract fluently with numbers up to 20. This will be assessed on our report card for the next Trimester. Flash cards are a great way to enhance their fluency. Also, please try to practice writing to 120 and orally counting to 120. This week we will be reading “Life in the Forest” Our phonics skill is long u, long e and inflected ending -ed. We will be working on author’s purpose. Beginning this month we will have someone coming into our room every Wednesday giving a science lesson. We call this organwise. Students will be learning about all the different organs and what their jobs are. We will also begin our pushes and pull unit. Students will do different experiments to see what type of force is needed to move an object. We are working on the narrative genre writing our very own stories using the new Lucy Calkins curriculum. We have been working with writing partners editing their writing. Spelling Words huge, June, rule, tube, use, cube, cute, flute, rude, mule Sight Words around, find, food, grow, under, water