How do fascists come to power in Italy & Germany? The Rise of Fascism How do fascists come to power in Italy & Germany?
A. After WWI, Italians are upset with PM Orlando Vittorio I. Italy A. After WWI, Italians are upset with PM Orlando Vittorio 1. he was too weak during Treaty of Versailles 2. economy also suffering B. 1920s: Fascism, which calls for extreme nationalism & loyalty to leaders, is gaining popularity Fascists win seats in Italian Parliament C. Former newspaper editor & Italian Fascist, Benito Mussolini, promises to rescue the Italian economy & restore pride to Italy D. Fascists win majority in Parliament, demand King Victor Emmanuel make Mussolini Prime Minister 1. Mussolini’s “blackshirts” march on Rome E. King makes Mussolini, Il Duce (the leader) F. Italian Fascists legally take power
a. Hitler argues Germans = master race (Aryans) II. Germany Legally Takes Power! 1. Nazi Adolf Hitler was sent to prison where he writes Mein Kampf (My Struggle) A. 1920s: Group called National Socialists (Nazis) unsuccessfully attempt to overthrow the Weimar Republic a. Hitler argues Germans = master race (Aryans) b. Slavs, Poles, Gypsies, Jews are inferior c. He writes Germany needs more space (Lebensraum) & must get back land lost after WWI B. After prison, Hitler begins giving speeches blaming the Allies & Weimar Rep. for the depression 1. Hitler & Nazis promise to fix the economy & restore pride to Germany by overturning Tr. of Vers. C. 1930: Nazi party starts winning seats in the Parliament (Reichstag) D. As the Nazis become more popular, President Hindenburg names Hitler Chancellor (PM) of Germany E. A suspicious fire in the Reichstag is blamed on communists Nazis win majority in Reichstag