Q1: How are the overlaps between MSFD and other EU and RSCs requirements going to be considered and coordinated? How far is the current effort contributing.


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Presentation transcript:

Q1: How are the overlaps between MSFD and other EU and RSCs requirements going to be considered and coordinated? How far is the current effort contributing to MSFD requirements Consideration on suitability of existing indicators Relation between national and RSCs approaches Coordination OSPAR/HELCOM Avoidance of effort duplication Transfer of knowledge

Q2: How could initial assessment, GES definition and targets setting inform the establishment of the monitoring? Additional elements, appropriate frequency and spatial scale of monitoring for a more complete assessment in 2018 Prioritization of monitoring effort (i.e. risk-based approach) Aggregation rules – from monitoring to assessment Role of MPAs in monitoring

Q3: What are key gaps in biodiversity coverage and available methodologies? Identification of open issues for the specific descriptors Temporal and Spatial coverage Prioritization

Q4: How are currently available marine biodiversity models and new technological and analytical approaches (including molecular ones) used by MSs and RSCs for their monitoring and assessment and what are the further needs and possibilities?

Q5: Are stakeholders’ data used in national biodiversity assessment Q5: Are stakeholders’ data used in national biodiversity assessment? Are there more possibilities?

Q6: What role does the mapping/modeling of activities and their pressures have in biodiversity monitoring and assessment? What is needed to fully implement these approaches?