November 12 6TH GRADE ELA – Benchmark Unit 4 – Fix up Monitoring /Summarizing Reading Log – “A Year Down Yonder” Benchmark – Summary – Prove it –”Weather in Our Daily Lives” + Ticket out the Door Summary Paired Reading– “Dorothea Lange” Quiz INDEPENDENT WORK – DURING GUIDED READING Daily Language Review Pronoun Practice W.S. Journal Response – What does Thanksgiving mean to you? 7TH GRADE SOCIAL STUDIES- Chapter 5 – Fertile Crescent Chapter 5 /Hunters and Gatherers Test Tuesday- Study using the quizlet Review Vocab Assignment due Tuesday Short answer questions Poster Contest
Chapter 5 – Vocab Assignment- Define each term, put each term in a sentence of your own, and draw an illustration of each term Fertile Crescent- 117 Silt- 117 Irrigation- 118 Surplus- 118 division of labor- 118 Cuneiform-127 Scribe-128 Ziggurat-130 Babylon - 132 Hammurabi’s Code- 133 Chariot- 134 Sumer- 122 city-state- 122 Empire-123 Polytheism-124 Social hierarchy- 125
“Weather in Our Daily Lives”- Summary TOTD Find the Big Ideas of the passage. Write the down on your ticket. Write a one sentence summary of the passage on your ticket.
7th Grade Short Answer Questions Why was Mesopotamia an ideal place for a civilization to develop? What allowed Mesopotamians to specialize in different jobs? How did they deal with the flooding issues? Do you think Hammurabi was a good ruler? Why? Why not? Why was Hammurabi’s Code of Laws important? How are these ancient societies like today’s society?
November 13 6TH GRADE ELA – Benchmark Unit 4 – Fix up Monitoring /Summarizing Reading Log – “A Year Down Yonder” Benchmark – Summary – Constructed Written Response Paired Reading– “The Heroic Dogs of the Alps” Read 1 INDEPENDENT WORK – DURING GUIDED READING Word Gen – Resourceful Daily Language Review Journal Response – What is a topic that you want to learn more about? Why? + What does Thanksgiving mean to you? Independent Reading Pronoun Practice Pg 9-10 Due 7TH GRADE SOCIAL STUDIES- Chapter 5 – Fertile Crescent Chapter 5 /Hunters and Gatherers Test Today Review Vocab Assignment due today Poster Assignment Word Gen 1.04
7TH GRADE SOCIAL STUDIES- Chapter 5 – Fertile Crescent Career Cruising November 14 6TH GRADE ELA – Benchmark Unit 4 – Fix up Monitoring /Summarizing Reading Log – “A Year Down Yonder” Benchmark – Elements of Mystery- Video + Practice Paired Reading– “The Heroic Dogs of the Alps” Read 2 Review Pronouns INDEPENDENT WORK – DURING GUIDED READING Word Gen – Tradition Daily Language Review Journal Response – Write a Mystery story that includes all of the elements of a Mystery Pronoun Practice Packet Independent Reading 7TH GRADE SOCIAL STUDIES- Chapter 5 – Fertile Crescent Career Cruising
November 15 6TH GRADE ELA – Benchmark Unit 4 – Fix up Monitoring /Summarizing Reading Log – “A Year Down Yonder” Benchmark – “Mystery of the Neighbor Next Door” Paired Reading– “The Heroic Dogs of the Alps” Read 3 + Ticket out the Door Summary Pronoun Review INDEPENDENT WORK – DURING GUIDED READING Word Gen – Paragraph Practice Daily Language Review Journal Response – Write a Mystery story- Follow the rubric Pronoun Practice – Subject Pronouns Independent Reading 7TH GRADE SOCIAL STUDIES- Chapter 5 – Fertile Crescent Word Gen – Debate/ Paragraph Hammurabi Code of Laws W.S.
Mystery of the Neighbor Next Door Summary Mystery – what is Maria trying to find out? Event 1 Event 2 Resolution –What does she find out? Who is the Detective? What is the red herring? Does the ending solve the mystery?
“The Heroic Dogs of the Alps”- Summary TOTD Find the Big Ideas of the passage. Write the down on your ticket. Write a one to two sentence summary of the passage on your ticket.
November 16 6TH GRADE ELA – Benchmark Unit 4 – Fix up Monitoring /Summarizing Reading Log – “A Year Down Yonder” Benchmark – “Mystery of the Stolen Trophy” + W.S. Paired Reading– “The Heroic Dogs of the Alps” – Quiz INDEPENDENT WORK – DURING GUIDED READING Word Gen – Answer Questions Daily Language Review Due Journal Response –Based on Independent Reading- What actions did your main character take? Pronoun Packet – Object Pronouns Independent Reading 7TH GRADE SOCIAL STUDIES- Chapter 5 – Fertile Crescent Hammurabi Code of Laws W.S. Mesopotamia Stations Activity + Questions Four Empires of Mesopotamia interactive Notebook
“Mystery of the Stolen Trophy” What Mystery is Dylan trying to solve? What clues did Dylan find? Who is guilty? How does Dylan know? Summary Mystery Event 1 Event 2 Event 3 Resolution
6th Grade ELA Weekly Learning Targets CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RI.6.2 I can determine a central idea of a text and how it is conveyed through details. I can summarize the text without including my personal opinions or judgments. CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.6.2 I can determine a theme or central idea of a text and how it is conveyed through particular details. I can summarize the text in a way that doesn’t include my personal opinions or judgments. L.6.6 - I Can: Use grade appropriate words and phrases Find the meaning of unclear vocabulary words CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.6.10 I can write over long and short time frames or many tasks, purposes, and audiences
Speaking & Listening 6.1.A-D CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.SL.6.1.A I can come to discussions prepared, having read or studied required material. I can draw on my preparation by referring to evidence on the topic, text, or issue to probe and reflect on ideas under discussion. CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.SL.6.1.B I can follow rules for collegial discussions, set specific goals and deadlines, and define individual roles as needed. CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.SL.6.1.C I can pose and respond to specific questions with elaboration and detail by making comments that contribute to the topic, text, or issue under discussion. CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.SL.6.1.D I can review the key ideas expressed and demonstrate understanding of multiple perspectives through reflection and paraphrasing. Speaking & Listening 6.1.A-D CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.SL.6.1.A-D
Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas I can present claims and findings, put ideas in logical order, and use descriptions, facts, and details to enhance main ideas or themes. I can use eye contact, clear pronunciation, and speak loudly enough to be heard. Speaking & Listening 6.4 Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.SL.6.4
Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas I can change my way of speaking to fit different situations and tasks. I can use formal English when the situation calls for it. Speaking & Listening 6.6 Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.SL.6.6
7th Grade Social Studies Standards 7 – W1.1.1 Explain how and when human communities populated major regions of the Eastern Hemisphere (Africa, Australia, Europe, Asia) and adapted to a variety of environments. 7 – W1.1.2 Explain what archaeologists have learned about Paleolithic and Neolithic patterns of living in Africa, Western Europe, and Asia.
7th Grade Social Studies Standards 7 – W1.2.1 Explain the importance of the natural environment in the development of agricultural settlements in different locations (e.g., available water for irrigation, adequate precipitation, and suitable growth season). 7 – W1.2.2 Explain the impact of the Agricultural Revolution (stable food supply, surplus, population growth, trade, division of labor, development of settlements). 7 – W1.2.3 Compare and contrast the environmental, economic, and social institutions of two early civilizations from different world regions (e.g., Yangtze, Indus River Valley, Tigris/Euphrates, and Nile). 7 – W2.1.1 Describe the importance of the development of human language, oral and written, and its relationship to the development of culture.
NWEA-Goal Performance 2-3 Literary Text: Key Ideas and Details Martin Fadi Mario Isabella Eva Literary Text: Language, Craft and Structure Dylan Natali Fadi Michael Informational Text: Key Ideas and Details- Close Reading Passage – “There’s More Than One Way” Dylan Zuher Mario Byron Fadi Irna Natali Shyla Sheren Informational Text: Language, Craft and Structure - Close Reading Passage – “There’s More Than One Way Dylan Mario Fadi Vocabulary: Acquisition and Use Dylan Fadi Mario Natali Helena Adhraa Daniel
NWEA-Goal Performance 4-5 Literary Text: Key Ideas and Details Andre Fadi Mykil Lorita Literary Text: Language, Craft and Structure Mykil Informational Text: Key Ideas and Details- Close Reading Passage – “There’s More Than One Way” Sameer Joseph Shireen Savine Dylan Informational Text: Language, Craft and Structure - Close Reading Passage – “There’s More Than One Way” Andre Fadi Andrew C Noah Christian Mykil Savine Vocabulary: Acquisition and Use Sameer Noah Malwood