Introduction to Impacts of Ancient Civilizations Mesopotamia India China Egypt
What does “impact” mean ? Influence or effect Lasting achievement Foundation of knowledge we use TODAY Articles/ideas that have “stood the test of time” Contribution Legacy
Lasting Civilizations
GEOGRAPHY of Mesopotamia called Fertile Crescent present day Iran & Iraq between Tigris & Euphrates
Impacts of Mesopotamia Hammurabi’s Laws Eye for an Eye Laws applied to everyone Cuneiform Recorded on clay tablets Symbol writing Scribes combined symbols (wedges and lines)
Impacts of Mesopotamia Irrigation Built ditches for watering crops Plow Pulled by an ox Wheel Calendar Based on the moon and stars Levee Walls built to prevent flooding
Geography of Egypt Along the Nile River Corner of northeast Africa Upper and Lower Egypt West and East protected by desert Cataracts to Mediterranean Sea
Impacts of Egypt Science Architecture Math Performed surgery Used natural remedies Architecture Pyramids Math Used addition, multiplication, subtraction and division Fractions Geometry Hieroglyphics – picture-like symbol writing on papyrus translated by the Rosette Stone in 1799
Impacts of Egypt Science Math Surgery Addition Natural remedies Architecture Pyramids Math Addition Multiplication Subtraction Division Fractions Geometry Hieroglyphics – picture symbols written on papyrus translated by the Rosette Stone in 1799
Achievements Nile River and Delta Irrigation Shadouf Unified Egypt Created trade and wealth Irrigation Flood control Shadouf Bucket/weight system to lift water from Nile
Geography of Ancient India Subcontinent Peninsula Himalayas Divide South Western Asia 2 Great Rivers Ganges Indus
Impacts of Ancient India Religions Hinduism Buddhism Martial Arts Arabic Numerals Mathematics - Algebra - Decimals - Negatives and ZERO
Geography of Ancient China Southeast Asia 3 Rivers Yangtze Huang He Xi
Impacts of Ancient China Silk Road 4000 Miles of trade routes between China / Europe Silk Developed by the Chinese; carried over Silk Road Philosophy Confucius taught: respect for others, especially elders family was key
Impacts of Ancient China Technology Paper (wood) Iron plow Boat Rudder (boat steer) Compass Wheel barrow Seismograph – measured earthquakes Arts Porcelain Silk Weaving Jade Carving Block Printing Temples