UNC Mod 273 – Governance of Feasibility Studies


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Presentation transcript:

UNC Mod 273 – Governance of Feasibility Studies Draft Modification Proposal - Timescales

Draft Modification Proposal - Timescales Principle: To introduce an obligation to complete “feasibility” studies within a defined timescale. Issues to discuss: Best way to incentivise consistent and timely completion of studies; i.e. “carrot” or “stick”? - If a [3] month time limit is imposed will it result in all studies being completed “just in time”? - How can early completion be encouraged? Governance Review Final Proposals – NTS connection methodology charging to come under UNC?

Draft Modification Proposal - Timescales Issues to discuss continued… Is it appropriate to have different obligations on NTS compared to DNs for providing essentially the same service? - Ofgem initial view welcome. If appropriate, what should be the timescale? - Are Shippers happy with an informal timetable? - 3 / 6 / 12 months? - Is having different timescales for different jobs appropriate / consistent with other UNC / Licence obligations? - Is Licence funding (or conflicting obligations) a constraint for NTS / DNs? When should the ‘clock’ begin / end?