Ecology Introduction Part 1 Pre AP Life Science Ecology Introduction Part 1
Studying interactions of abiotic and biotic factors of an environment. Ecology Studying interactions of abiotic and biotic factors of an environment.
Biotic - Living
Abiotic = non-living
Levels of Ecology Organismal
Levels of Ecology Populations
Levels of Ecology Communities
Levels of Ecology Ecosystems
Levels of Ecology Landscapes
Levels of Ecology Biosphere
Biogeography of Kangaroos
Native (Indigenous) species in Alabama
Invasive Species Accidental Transplant - Zebra Mussels
Purposeful Transplant - Kudzu
Transplant - Fire Ants
Fire Ant Migration from Mobile
Fire Ant Bites
Transplant - African “killer” Bees
Ecology Introduction Part 2 7th Grade Life Science Ecology Introduction Part 2
Biomes – large regions characterized by specific type of climate and certain types of plant and animal communities
Hadley cell model Shows the movement of water vapor around the globe
Local effect - Mountains
Rain Shadow Effect
Thermocline in ponds and lakes
Climate Data Although there are varying classification methods to describe biomes, all classification models rely on climatic data to help distinguish one biome from another. The ongoing collection of data allows scientists to study the changes that occur on Earth’s climates.
Biome diagram Whittaker Biome Diagram
Ecology Introduction Part 3 Pre AP Life Science Ecology Introduction Part 3
Aquatic Biomes
Coastal & Ocean terms
Coral Reefs of the World(purple areas) Rainforests of the oceans
Fresh water terms
Stream Headwaters
Wetlands - Swamp
Wetlands - Marsh