Performance Measurement Report Pilot Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program Presentation by Heather Jones, Missouri’s LIHEAP Manager
Missouri’s LIHEAP Has two components: Energy Assistance (EA): One-time heating payment. Energy Crisis Intervention Program (ECIP) payments to resolve heating and cooling crisis. Eligibility requirements for LIHEAP are based on income, household size, available resources and responsibility for payment of home energy costs.
Performance Measurement Report Basic Data Elements Total number of unduplicated assisted households by fuel type. Household annual gross income by fuel type. Average benefit amount by fuel type. Households fuel is terminated by fuel type. Households fuel is threatened to be disconnected/out by fuel type. Households with inoperable equipment by fuel type.
Missouri’s Pilot Missouri has two computer systems for LIHEAP, one for EA and the other for ECIP. LIHEAP EA system includes primary/main supplier annual usage information. Energy Burden was completed using EA information. Restoration and prevention was completed using EA and ECIP systems.
Bill Payment-Assisted Household Main Fuel PART I. ENERGY BURDEN Bill Payment-Assisted Household Main Fuel All Households Electricity Natural Gas Fuel Oil Propane Other Fuels A. Unduplicated Number of LIHEAP Bill Payment-Assisted Households 147,147 61,703 61,657 151 21,072 2,564 B. All Households with 12 months of Bill Data (Main Fuel and Electric) 1. Unduplicated Number of Households with 12 months of Bill Data (Main Fuel and Electric) 97,376 38,000 58,409 1 966 2. Average Annual Household Income $11,181 $10,741 $11,446 $10,632 $12,480 $0 3. Average Annual Total LIHEAP Benefit per Household (Heating, Cooling, Crisis, Supplemental Benefits) $269 $252 $258 $250 $363 4. Average Annual Main Heating Fuel Bill $1,045 $1,440 $779 $522 $782 5. Average Annual Electricity Bill 6. Average Annual Total Residential Energy Bill Auto-Calculated 7. Average Annual Burden Before Receiving LIHEAP 9.3% 13.4% 6.8% 4.9% 6.3% 8. Average Annual Burden After Receiving LIHEAP 6.9% 11.1% 4.6% 2.6% 3.4% 9. Average Percentage Point Change in Energy Burden 2.4% 2.3% 2.9% 10. Average Percentage Reduction in Energy Burden 25.7% 17.5% 33.1% 47.9% 46.4% C. High Burden Households with 12 months of Bill Data (Main Fuel and Electric) 1. Unduplicated Number of High Burden Households (Top 25%) with 12 mos of Bill Data (Main Fuel and Electric) 24,344 16,027 8,155 161 2. Average Annual Household Income for High Burden Households $6,642 $7,678 $4,618 $6,008 3. Average Annual Total LIHEAP Benefit per High Burden Household (Heating, Cooling, Crisis, Supplemental Benefits) $261 $282 $398 4. Average Annual Main Heating Fuel Bill for High Burden Households $1,381 $1,638 $871 $1,699 5. Average Annual Electricity Bill for High Burden Households 6. Average Annual Total Residential Energy Bill for High Burden Households 7. Average Annual Burden Before Receiving LIHEAP for High Burden Households 20.8% 21.3% 18.9% 28.3% 8. Average Annual Burden After Receiving LIHEAP for High Burden Households 16.7% 17.9% 12.8% 21.7% 9. Average Percentage Point Change in Energy Burden for High Burden Households 4.0% 6.1% 6.6% 10. Average Percentage Reduction in Energy Burden for High Burden Households 19.5% 15.9% 32.4% 23.4% D. Benefit Targeting Index for High Burden Households: 100 104 109 110 E. Burden Reduction Targeting Index for High Burden Households: 76 91 98 50 PART II. RESTORATION OF HOME ENERGY SERVICE Energy Source A. Number of All LIHEAP-Assisted Households that Had: 1. Energy Service Restored After Disconnection 16,442 6,732 9,710 2. Fuel Delivered to Home that Ran Out of Fuel 1,267 12 1,200 55 3. Repair/Replacement of Inoperable Home Energy Equipment 731 655 65 6 5 PART III. PREVENTION OF LOSS OF HOME ENERGY SERVICE 1. Past Due Notice or Utility Disconnect Notice 70,769 58,637 12,132 2. Imminent Risk of Running out of Fuel 5,243 44 4,989 210 3. Repair/Replacement of Operable Equipment to Prevent Imminent Home Energy Loss 19 18
Pilot Findings Fuel Oil is less than 1% of assisted households in Missouri. Average Annual Residential Energy Bill does not include electric secondary information. Usage information collected includes: 62% Electric 95% Natural Gas 5% Propane
Benefit Targeting Index and Benefit Reduction Targeting Index Benefit Targeting Index for all households was 100 which indicates that high burden households receive the same average EA benefit ($269). Burden Reduction Target Index shows high burden households burden was not reduced as much as all households (76).
Restoration and Prevention of Home Energy Services Missouri assisted 18,440 households with restoration services. Electric: 40% Natural Gas: 53% Propane: 7% Missouri assisted 76,031 households with prevention services. Electric: 77% Natural Gas: 16%
Goals of the Performance Measurement Pilot Feasibility Assessment Missouri has EA data for primary heating source. Will need to collect secondary electric data. Technical Assistance Data/Reports by fuel type. Identification of system needs. System integration between EA and ECIP.
Goals of the Performance Measurement Pilot Value Performance Measures identify the need to assess benefit amounts to target benefits to highest burden households. Provide basis to track restoration and prevention.
Performance Measures – Montana (MT) MT targets LIHEAP benefits to households based on the following factors – including options to give a slightly higher benefit to some seniors/disabled clients: Fuel Type Income Family Size Residence Size and location Btus/HDD/square foot (i.e., heating characteristics) heating requirements for each dwelling type and fuel type
FY2012 Pre and Post Energy Burden by Poverty Level Ranges MT provides more assistance to lower income clients. The goal is to have all LIHEAP clients at 6% Energy Burden after receiving LIHEAP.
Performance Measures Implementation Work Group Pilot Test Data - MT MT collects data on about 80% of the LIHEAP clients from 4 of the major Natural Gas and Electric vendors. MT uses a complex system that is part of their approved plan that allows them to estimate consumption data for clients on their primary fuel type. The next slide shows our pilot data with only those cases in it where we had the primary consumption and the full previous 12 months electric consumption.
Performance Measures Implementation Work Group Pilot Test Data - MT
Performance Measures Implementation Work Group Pilot Test Data - MT Average % Reduction in Energy Burden: 2012 28.6% 2013 29.8% Average % Reduction in Energy Burden for High Energy Burden Households: 2012 35.9% 2013 39.9% The pilot test: Took approximately 15 hours to gather the data We had to create some new database tables and set up processing for how we currently capture the consumption data to be used for this purpose.
Performance Measures Implementation Work Group Pilot Test Data - MT Case Status Case Count Central Air Window/Wall Air Utility Past Due Notice Less than 10% Fuel Remains Utility Service Disconnected No Fuel Left Pending 449 20 36 59 16 9 10 Approved 20468 1836 5539 4636 2059 188 1017 Denied 1728 79 178 252 78 18 32 Closed 738 60 171 162 75 15 42 TOTAL 23383 1995 5924 5109 2228 230 1101 Current challenges include: Section II and Section III items Processing/Plans for getting deliverable fuel consumption data Montana added additional questions to their LIHEAP application for FY2014 to get data for Part II and Part III of the LIHEAP Performance Measures.
Performance Measures Implementation Work Group Pilot Test Data - MT MT found the data in the LIHEAP performance measures report to be very useful and are creating a report in their LIHEAP system that allows them to run it at any time for any subset of the state. The report will be accessible on demand by state staff and field workers. MT is also working on options to get more data from deliverable fuel vendors. Current challenges include: Section II and Section III items Processing/Plans for getting deliverable fuel consumption data
Performance Measurement Comparison Missouri vs. Montana Missouri’s has the ability to report on prevention and restoration. Missouri’s application and ECIP benefits are based on crisis information. Montana has average electric billing information on secondary heating. Montana benefits are targeting high burden households.
Performance Measures – Montana If you have questions or would like to discuss our approach, please feel free to contact: Marcia Lemon Energy and Community Services Manager Intergovernmental Human Services Bureau Montana Department of Health and Human Services 406-447-4276
Performance Measures - Missouri Missouri’s LIHEAP information can be found on the following web site: Heather Jones, LIHEAP Manager Missouri Department of Social Services Family Support Division 573-526-0677