Fine Tuning Boulders transportation system Presented by: Marni Ratzel GO Boulder/ city of boulder making infrastructure work for biking and Walking
Biking trips in Boulder
About Boulder 101,500 people 25 square miles County seat Home of CU-Boulder serving 29,000 students Gateway community to the Rocky Mountains 101,500 people 25 square miles County seat Home of CU-Boulder serving 29,000 students Gateway community to the Rocky Mountains
Pearl Street Pedestrian Mall
Boulders Greenway System a series of corridors along Boulder Creek and six of its tributaries
Greenway paths Bear Creek Path Boulder Creek Path
On-Street bike facilities
Multi-use Side Path
Biking System Underpasses 67 built 55 more proposed Multi-use path miles 105 built 65 more proposed Underpasses 67 built 55 more proposed Multi-use path miles 105 built 65 more proposed
Biking System On-street lanes miles* 192 built 110 more proposed *Includes bike shoulders 95% of arterial streets have bike facilities Bike racks on all buses On-street lanes miles* 192 built 110 more proposed *Includes bike shoulders 95% of arterial streets have bike facilities Bike racks on all buses
Three Projects Making Connections 1.Enhanced Pedestrian Crossings 2.Multi-use path crossings 3.On-street bike facility improvements 1.Enhanced Pedestrian Crossings 2.Multi-use path crossings 3.On-street bike facility improvements
Enhanced Pedestrian Crossings State Law - Yield to Pedestrians signing Pedestrian Actuated Flashing Beacons at Crosswalks Raised Crossings at right turn by-pass islands State Law - Yield to Pedestrians signing Pedestrian Actuated Flashing Beacons at Crosswalks Raised Crossings at right turn by-pass islands Enhanced pedestrian crossings
State Law Yield To Pedestrian Signing Enhanced pedestrian crossings
Flashing Beacon Warning Signs Enhanced pedestrian crossings
Raised Crossing at Right Turn By-Pass Island Enhanced pedestrian crossings
140 Pedestrians in 3 hours. Volume = 14,000 vpd. Original Compliance - 34% New Compliance - 65% No Significant accident trends Arapahoe Avenue and 13th Street State Law - Yield to Pedestrians signage Enhanced pedestrian crossings
Walnut Avenue and 9th Street State Law - Yield to Pedestrians signage 190 Pedestrians in 3 hours. Volume = 10,000 vpd. Original Compliance - 54% New Compliance - 93% Fewer X-walk accidents after pedestrian treatment Enhanced pedestrian crossings
Canyon Boulevard & 11th Street Ped-actuated flashing beacons with in-pavement lighting 460 Pedestrians in 3 hours. Volume = 20,000 vpd. Original Compliance - 38% New Compliance - 76% Fewer X-walk Accidents after pedestrian treatment
Pearl Street & 29th Street Ped-actuated flashing beacons (No in-pavement lighting) 70 Pedestrians in 3 hours. Volume = 22,000 vpd. Original Compliance - 26% New Compliance - 54% No significant accident trends Enhanced pedestrian crossings
500 Pedestrians in 3 hours. Volume = 35,000 vpd. Original Compliance - 16% New Compliance - 70% MORE X-walk accidents after pedestrian treatment Broadway & Pleasant Avenue Pedestrian-actuated flashing beacons Enhanced pedestrian crossings
Foothills Parkway off-ramp to Table Mesa Raised Crossing at right turn by-pass island 110 Pedestrians in 3 hours. Volume = 6,000 vpd (right turning traffic only). Original Compliance - 69% New Compliance - 92% Accident Trends? Enhanced pedestrian crossings
ADOPTED GUIDELINES Enhanced pedestrian crossings
Standard Crosswalk Treatment is State Law Yield to pedestrians Sign Enhanced pedestrian crossings
Pedestrian Crossing Thresholds Enhanced pedestrian crossings 20 in one hour 18 over 2 hours 15 over any three hours Young, elderly, and disabled pedestrians count 2x toward thresholds
Enhanced pedestrian crossings All Roadway Multi-use path crossings of Roadways are Marked
Enhanced pedestrian crossings Bike Actuated Flashing Beacon Sign
Multi-Use Path Crossings
South Broadway Bikeway Study Multi-use path crossings
Outbound Driveway Crossing Multi-use path crossings BeforeAfter
Inbound Right Turn into Driveway Crossing Multi-use path crossings BeforeAfter
Demonstration: Driveway Crossing Multi-use path crossings
Multi-Use path Crossings Typical treatments for: Unsignalized Intersections Signalized intersections Signalized intersectons with Right turn By- pass islands Driveways Typical treatments for: Unsignalized Intersections Signalized intersections Signalized intersectons with Right turn By- pass islands Driveways
Typical Unsignalized intersection Multi-use path crossings
Typical Signalized intersection Multi-use path crossings
Typical Signalized intersection with Right Turn By-Pass Island Multi-use path crossings
Raised Crossing at Right Turn By Pass Intersection
Typical Driveway Crossing Multi-use path crossings
On-Street Bicycle Lane improvements
Bikeway Corridor Signing Bikeway Corridor Sign Plans System Identification Corridor Naming Facility Type Directional arrow Bikeway Corridor Sign Plans System Identification Corridor Naming Facility Type Directional arrow
Bikeway Corridor Signing Bike facility improvements
Bike Lane Marking at intersections On-street bike facility improvements
Stripe Bike Lane Marking to intersection On-street bike facility improvements
Shared lane Marking South Broadway bike Route On-street bike facility improvements
Shared lane Markings for Downtown arterial bike Routes On-street bike facility improvements
Contact Information Marni Ratzel Bike & pedestrian Transportation Planner GO Boulder/city of Boulder Marni Ratzel Bike & pedestrian Transportation Planner GO Boulder/city of Boulder