Integrated Inter-Cluster Training Package For Nutrition Outcomes Caroline Abla, Consultant ICNWG Presentation GNC Meeting in Amman, Jordan October 24, 2018
Who Is the ICNWG? The Inter-Cluster Nutrition Working Group (ICNWG): sub-working group of the Global Nutrition Cluster and the Global Food Security Cluster. Established as a collaboration between the two clusters in 2012.
How Did The Integrated Inter-Cluster Training Package For Nutrition Outcomes Come About? Limited capacities of humanitarian partners and clusters for multi-sectoral nutrition sensitive programming identified by ICNWG as one of the main barriers to effectively achieve nutrition outcomes in humanitarian settings.
How Did The Integrated Inter-Cluster Training Package For Nutrition Outcomes Come About (2)? A multi-cluster workshop in Geneva in June 2017 led to the development, by the end of May 2018, of a three-days training package. Field testing in Ethiopia (June 2018) and Nigeria (July/August 2018) ICNWG 2018 Joint work plan and the 2018 GNC Annual work plan
Aim of Pilot Testing Testing the usefulness and appropriateness of the materials, and the time allocated for the training with the realities of the field. Receive critical feedback on the modules. And
Aim of Pilot Testing (2) Additional aims of the piloting/training included: Understanding how critical Food Security, WASH, Health, Education, and Protection are to achieving positive nutrition outcomes in emergencies; Concrete examples of what activities from these other sectors can be integrated into nutrition programming; Concrete examples of what nutrition activities can be integrated into other sector programming; and Gain the knowledge needed to plan and implement sectoral integrated programming in humanitarian responses.
Target Audience The target audience for both pilots in Ethiopia and Nigeria were the cluster coordinators and cluster partners of Nutrition, Health, WASH, Education, Protection (including GBV and child protection), and Food Security Clusters.
Modules and Sessions Concepts and Causes of Malnutrition- consists of two sessions focusing on defining the problem of malnutrition and its cost on the different sectors. Integrated Programming- consists of 2 sessions and several sub-sessions. It focused on (1) integration definitions and decisions; and (2) introduction to nutrition sensitive interventions with sub-sessions on WASH; Health; Food Security and Livelihoods; Protection; and ECD/Education. Time allocated to work together on integrated inter-cluster action plans.
Ethiopia Pilot June 12 to 14, 2018 in Addis Ababa A total of 38 participants were invited to participate in the pilot. Those who attended were mainly nutrition staff from government, UN agencies and NGOs, including a few who were focused on development and one donor representative. Training duration was 2.5 days due to holiday.
Ethiopia Pilot June 12 to 14, 2018 in Addis Ababa The major lessons learnt from the Ethiopia training: Need to merge some sessions Ensure participation from the different sectors Need to add materials on the development and humanitarian integration, and Ensure timing of training will not be affected by religious or government holidays
Nigeria Pilot July 31-August 2, 2018 in Maiduguri A total of 43 participants were invited to attend the pilot training. The participants represented a wide variety of government, UN agencies (including OCHA, WHO and WFP), NGOs, and sector coordinators. Training duration was 3 full days.
Nigeria Pilot July 31-August 2, 2018 in Maiduguri The major lessons learnt from the Nigeria training: Cluster/sector coordinators invited, able to commit for the duration of the training, and are capable and willing to take the integrated action plans forward. Engagement of protection coordinator was critical OCHA’s attendance and engagement are critical for coordinating the integrated approach as well as for sustaining this integrated effort on the long run.
Nigeria Pilot July 31-August 2, 2018 in Maiduguri Develop materials on integrating nutrition and logistics, emergency shelter and NFI, and Camp Coordination and Camp Management (CCCM) sectors Piloting in Ethiopia was at national level while in Nigeria it was at the field level. Training PPP “too word heavy” Development of a proposed framework to support integrated programming.
Steps to Support Integrated Programming Provides platform for multi-sector joint needs analysis This could take place during HNO process It requires every sector to avail sector specific data for such analysis ISWC Presents the analysis into the UNICEF conceptual Framework of Malnutrition Identify linkages and gaps in data Calls for a joint analysis meeting to refine the analysis and conceptual framework Nutrition Sector Refine the multi-sectoral analysis Update and refine the conceptual framework using all the sector specific information All Sectors Undertake analysis of who is doing what where, how etc. (5Ws) This will facilitate identification of actions being undertaken It can also identify gap geographically and programmatically from an integration lenses Nutrition Sector develop nutrition specific intervention to address current gaps and scale up base on a package of HINI The plan should have clear plan for possible integration with other sector platforms, actions that will strengthen systems Other related sectors should develop nutrition sensitive actions to address the gaps All Sectors Resource Mobilization Ensure those actions are costed in the respective sector plans Explore options for join resource mobilization All sectors Implementation Identify areas where joint/integrated response will take plan Agree on few key indicators of success Great platform for coordination and regular update It will be important to be clear on the role of the sectors and ICNWG within the framework
Gaps and Next Steps Meeting in Rome November 12 and 13, 2018 to develop a “word light PPP” and finalize the materials Development of facilitator’s guide (RedR) Development of the coordination aspect of integration South Sudan Training November 2018 Other trainings in 2019 (Lebanon, whole of Syria, others?)