I Want to Be a Worker #114
Written by Isaiah Baltzell (1832-1893) Song written around 1880 A song challenging us to work! Background!
Vs.1 – The desire to work “I want to be a worker…” A must - Titus 2:14 Acts 10:38 Eccl. 5:18-20 Rom. 12:11
Vs.1 – The desire to work “I want to love and trust His holy word…” 2 Tim. 2:15, “a worker who does not need to be ashamed” James 1:22, “be doers and not hearers only”
Vs.1 – The desire to work “I want to sing and pray, and be busy every day…” James 2:18, “show me your faith by your works” Do we spend time worshipping and serving God daily?
Vs.1 – The desire to work “In the kingdom of the Lord…” Original - Vineyard John 15:1-8 Matt. 20:1-16, workers hired throughout the day
Vs.2 – A Worker Everyday “I want to be a worker everyday…” Not an occasional activity Romans 13:12-13, John 9:4
Vs.2 – A Worker Everyday “I want to lead the erring…” Concern for others James 5:19-20, Jude 22-23, 2 Cor. 5:10-11 Is this truly our desire? Where do we start?
Vs.2 – A Worker Everyday “That leads to heaven above…” That is our goal for ourselves and others 1 Cor. 9:19-23 Where all is peace and love – 1 Cor. 2:9, Heb. 11:16
Vs.2 – A Worker Everyday “In the kingdom of the Lord” His church is His kingdom! Acts 2 - established We are NOW in His kingdom – Mark 9:1, Col. 1:13
Vs.3 – Courage & Faith “I want to be a worker strong and brave…” True service is not cowardly – Rev. 21:8, 1 Pet. 1:17 Phil. 1:27-28, 2 Tim. 1:7
Vs.3 – Courage & Faith “I want to be a worker strong and brave…” It takes courage… To speak up in hostile crowd Go to a sinning brother Talk about Jesus Confess your sins To trust God
Vs.3 – Courage & Faith “I want to trust in Jesus’ power to save…” How much do we trust Him? Heb. 11:6 He is the source of salvation – Rom. 1:16, Ac. 4:12
Vs.3 – Courage & Faith “All who will truly come shall find a happy home…” It’s not just about us, but “them” as well The gospel is for all – Gal. 3:28, John 3:16, Acts 10:34-35 In the kingdom of the Lord
Vs.4 – Help me Lord “I want to be a worker, help me Lord…” We need His help John 15:4-5 Our need to pray – Phil. 4:6
Vs.4 – Help me Lord “To lead the lost and erring to Thy word…” The harvest is plentiful - Matt. 9:37-38
Vs.4 – Help me Lord “That points to joys on high, where pleasures never die…” The joys of heaven – 1 Pet. 1:3-5, 8-9, John 14:1-3, Matt. 25:21 “In the kingdom of the Lord”
Chorus “I will work, I will pray…” A repetition of the message throughout the song Repetition is a good thing – Phil. 3:1, 2 Pet. 1:15, etc.
Conclusion “Beloved, we are confident of better things concerning you…for God is not unjust to forget your work and labor of love...do not become sluggish…” Heb. 6:9-12
Can He count on you to work for Him?