Westchester County Care Coordination Program Results
Care Coordination Program— Baseline Data Enrollee Costs for the One Year Period Prior to Entering the Program (N=44) Days Incarcerated Costs of Incarceration Days in RPC Costs of RPC Medicaid Costs Total Costs Per Enrollee 88 $27,780 153 $81,187 $63,726 $167,692
Care Coordination Program—Costs Per Year for 48 Enrollees Staffing Medicaid Funded County Share= $ 69,000 Self Determination $ 70,000 Peer Mentoring $ 25,000 Employment $ 12,000 Total $ 176,000 for 48 enrollees
Care Coordination— Pre and Post Cost Data (N=31)
Average Days Homeless (N=26)
Chemical Dependency Changes (N= 26)
Care Coordination-Cost Outcomes (N= 31) Medicaid (other than hospital) Incarceration State Hospital Total 2007- 2008 Pre-Enroll $ 822,119 $ 870,260 $ 592,150 $ 2,284,529 2008-2009 1 year after $ 535,634 $ 410,860 $ 129,850 $ 1,076,344 Savings $ $ 286,485 $ 459,400 $ 462,300 $ 1,208,185 Savings % 35% 53% 78%