History/ Government of Canada
Leif Ericson
French Cartier- 1534-1536 (Fr) Champlain- 1608 (Fr) Quebec St Lawrence Gulf/River Roanoke (1585) Champlain- 1608 (Fr) Quebec
English Cabot- 1497 Nova Scotia Hudson 1610 (Eng) Hudson Bay
French and Indian War 1754 1763
Quebec Act 1774 Keep: Language Religion System of Laws
Early Canada Feuding Fear of U.S. 1867- Dominion of Canada Country within British Empire
Government 1931 Canadian full independence British government has to approve any constitutional changes until… 1982- Constitution Act Canada =Constitutional Monarchy
think0.deviantart.com wallpaperose.com www.shutterstock.com icepondwitch.com history-world.org www.thesealsofnam.org http://www.biography.com/people/john-cabot-9234057 www.britishbattles.com option.canada.pagesperso-orange.fr