Regional Operational Programme under Objective 1 of Cohesion Policy case of Pomorskie Region in Poland Stanislaw Bienias on behalf of Pomorskie Region.


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Presentation transcript:

Regional Operational Programme under Objective 1 of Cohesion Policy case of Pomorskie Region in Poland Stanislaw Bienias on behalf of Pomorskie Region Brussels, 21 October 2011

Pomorskie from the EU perspective Indicator Pomorskie (EU = 100) 2005 Last available GDP per capita (2005, 2008) 50,2% 53,0% Employment rate (2005, 2009) 82,6% 92,5% Productivity 65,1% 66,0% Source: GUS, Eurostat (2005, 2007, 2008, 2009) Source: Fifth report on economic, social and territorial cohesion, 2010 2

Pomorskie ROP in general Total budget (EUR) 1 292 463 495 ERDF contribution (EUR) 938 379 686 Priority Axes 10 Measures 31 Categories of intervention 38 Selected projects 1470 Committed funds 96% Payments to beneficiaries 39% No of indicators 110 output result impact 47 34 29 ROP vs. regional GDP (yearly average) 0,9% Priority Axes % ERDF allocation SME development and innovation 19,1% Knowledge society 5,5% Urban and metropolitan functions 17,4% Regional transport system 23,7% The environment and environment friendly energy 6,0% Tourism and cultural heritage 4,7% Health protection and rescue service system 3,8% Local basic infrastructure 13,2% Local social infrastructure and civil initiatives Technical assistance 2,8% TOTAL 100.0% 3

Example of result indicator Example of output indicators Pomorskie ROP in new logical framework (1) Example for SME support (1) What do you want to change? (result) Indicators Example of result indicator Example of output indicators Priority: More SMEs generating long-term jobs Name: Growth of employment in SME sector (%) Definition: Available (provided by NSO) Sources: NSO Baseline: available Name: Number of SMEs receiving financial support Definition: see above Source: MA Target: to be determined

Pomorskie ROP in new logical framework (1) Example for SME support (2) Priority: More SMEs generating long-term jobs low levels of employment persists in the regional labour market both compared with the EU and Poland SMEs play a key role in the region’s economy development potential of many SMEs is limited due to visible barriers in access to capital

Example of result indicator Example of output indicators Pomorskie ROP in new logical framework (2) Example for transport system (1) What do you want to change? (result) Indicators Example of result indicator Example of output indicators Priority: Increased capacity of regional passenger railway system Name: Growing number of users in regional railway transport (%) Definition: to be clarified Source: own research Baseline: not available (yet) Name: Total length of reconstructed or upgraded lines (km) Definition: determined by law Source: beneficiaries Target: 170 km

Pomorskie ROP in new logical framework (2) Example for transport system (2) Priority: Increased capacity of regional passenger railway system low level of integration of the public transport systems rail services are not competitive to other means of transport (low level of regional railway network, long travel times and poor accessibility of some parts of the region to economic centres) increasing of the mobility is a key prerequisite for improved conditions on labour market as well as in education sector

Conclusions and questions after the exercise Current shape of the Pomorskie ROP could be hardly transformed by using „new-logic-of-indicators” approach The bigger programme the harder this new approach is implementable „point of departure” of different regions / programmes will be different and it should be taken into account in new approach New approach requires extremely strategic choices when programming ultra-focused approach could be objectively and politically questioned Different focus of programmes creates problems with aggregated results QUESTIONS Are public (regional) statistics ready to support the new approach? How to display a value added of the new approach for decision-makers?

Thank you Stanislaw Bienias on behalf of Pomorskie Region, Poland