The Theory of Plate Tectonics
The Theory of Plate Tectonics
The Theory of Plate Tectonics Earth’s crust is broken into about 19 pieces that are in constant motion
Warm up! How are the earth’s layers similar to an egg?
Earth’s Layers How are the earth’s layers similar to an egg? Shell = crust Egg white = mantle Yolk = core
Big book pg. 124 Small book pg. 6 S1: Inside the Earth Big book pg. 124 Small book pg. 6
The 3 Main Parts 1. Crust 2. Mantle 3. Core
The Crust Outer layer (shell) Thinnest layer Solid 2 types of crust Oceanic Crust (very dense) Continental Crust (less dense)
The Crust Outer layer (shell) Thinnest layer 2 types of crust Oceanic Crust (very dense) Continental Crust (less dense)
Less Dense > More Dense >
The Mantle Middle layer (egg white) Thickest Layer Solid, but able to flow slowly
The Core Center (like the yolk) Hottest part, mostly made of iron Has 2 parts Liquid outer core Solid Inner core
The Core Center (Like the yolk) Hottest part, made of mostly iron Has 2 parts Liquid outer core Solid Inner core
Layers of the Earth Crust Mantle Core Directions: Put your name at the top Label the parts of the Earth (Crust, Mantle, or Core) 3. Use the Color Code to color each part of the Earth EXT. Read Big Book pgs. 124 or Small book pg. 6
To Do Finish ¨Inside Earth¨ worksheet and paste into your science notebook Define following key terms: Pressure Basalt Granite Lithosphere Asthenosphere
Exploring Earth Why is it difficult to determine Earth´s structure?
Exploring Earth Why is it difficult to determine Earth´s structure? Too much pressure Too much heat
How did scientists know what is inside of earth?
How did we figure out what’s inside of earth? 1. Rock samples from volcanoes
How did we figure out what’s inside of earth? Rock Samples from Volcanoes Seismic Waves from Earthquakes
To Do Define following key terms: Section 1 Assessment Pressure Basalt Granite Section 1 Assessment Big book pg. 131: #1a, 1b, 2a Small book pg. pg. 13: #1a, 1b, 2a
Science workbook Open wkbk to pg. 9
Science workbook Open wkbk to pg. 9
Science workbook
Science workbook Big Book pg.131 # 1a, 1b, 2a Complete pgs. 9-14 in your groups Respect the Captain Big Book pg.131 # 1a, 1b, 2a Small book pg. 13 #1a, 1b, 2a
Science Homework due Monday Workbook Workbook pgs. 9-12 2. Textbook Q´s Big Book pg.131 # 1a, 1b, 2a - or - Small book pg. 13 #1a, 1b, 2a