Understanding student engagement with learning in the digital age? Joanne Smith, Hywel Williams, Carmel Kent & Chris Boulton
Background Title to go here LA aims to integrate various types of data to predict “success” But often this is the data that is easiest to collect And that data might not give particularly rich insights into the student experience What other (types of) data might help us understand what predicts “success”? Body copy to go here
Method Title to go here Longitudinal study (10-11 waves) of student engagement with learning resources and their learning >200 students recruited to complete Wave 1 Students will receive a survey each week to reflect on engagement over the previous 7 days Survey data will be matched with digital data to provide subjective measures of engagement Body copy to go here
Materials Title to go here Each week students report levels of engagement with different types of resources/activities Digital resources Physical resources Attending class Talking to lecturers/friends Participating in campus life Body copy to go here
Materials Title to go here Students also report: How engaged they were with their studies over the last week How satisfied they are with their course How well they feel they are doing in their course Body copy to go here
Materials Title to go here Students also report: Whether they received work back If yes, how satisfied were they with the mark Body copy to go here Whether they had an assessment point If yes, how much effort did they put in
Materials Title to go here At Wave 1 only, students also answered additional questions to assess: Cognitive and behavioural engagement Learning styles (Kolb’s LSI) Motivations for going to university Use of social media Body copy to go here
Watch this space! Title to go here Data collection is ongoing over the rest of the academic year A student campus partner (Emily Hughes) is assisting with data collection and student communications Body copy to go here
Title to go here Body copy to go here Questions