The College Admissions Process Class of 2019 September 25, 2018 Mrs. Meaghan Rogers
Agenda NYSED Graduation Requirements Types of Admissions Application Forms Application Deadlines Components of an Application Financial Aid
Graduation Requirements: Credits Subject Minimum Credits English 4 Social Studies Math 3 Science LOTE 1* PE 2 Art Health .5 Electives 3.5 TOTAL: 22 *Students aiming to earn a Regents Diploma with Advanced Designation must earn either 3 LOTE credits OR 5 Art/CTE credits
Graduation Requirements: Exams Regents Exam Requirements English 1 Social Studies Math Science Any 5th Exam 1* Regents Exam with Advanced Designation* English 1 Social Studies 2 Math 3 Science 2 (Living Environment +1) LOTE *There are many diploma pathways available to students, please consult the handout for more information*
Admissions Policies Traditional Rolling Deadline date typically around January or February Notification of acceptance usually in March or April Student must confirm or deny acceptance by May 1st Applications are accepted on an ongoing basis Typically student receives a response within 4-6 weeks after the completed application is received
Continued…. Early Decision Early Action A COMMITMENT to attend this college if accepted Application deadline is generally between October- December. Can ONLY back out of agreement if you cannot afford financial aid package given in the spring NO commitment to attend this particular college if accepted. Application deadlines are between November and December Typically student is informed of decision by mid-December
Applications Opportunity to offer information about life- both good and the not so good Consists of Biographical information High school transcripts Possible essay Possible counselor report Possible recommendation(s)
Application Forms Community College State University of New York (SUNY) Common Application Private Institution Other Miscellaneous Online Application
Community College Instant Admission Days HVCC- October 22nd CGCC FMCC May not require SAT or ACT scores Application fee may not be required Most do not require an essay Shorter than traditional, four year college applications
Online Applications Strongly encouraged!!! Can save and re- edit your application Quicker and easier than traditional paper application methods
Common Application Faster and more efficient Apply to several colleges at one time Approximately 700+ schools accept
-State University of NY- Can be used to apply to over 50 State Universities Usual Deadlines Early Decision- November 1st Early Action- November 15th Traditional- ASAP to avoid being closed out of your program of interest! Please check school websites for exact deadlines for applications
Private Institutions Applications usually require information specific to the school’s programs and or activities Pre- professional areas, Career and Technical Education or Certificate Programs Mildred Elley, Bryant and Stratton Certain programs offer Associate Degrees (2 years to complete) May only have the opportunity to apply to one school at a time
Common App or SUNY App...? If you are applying to only SUNY schools, just use the SUNY Online Application If you are applying to an assortment of schools- use the Common Application There may be supplemental forms you need to fill out- make sure you check!
Application Fees Community Colleges Four Year Common App Free -> $40 Four Year SUNY: $50 Private: Ranges from free -> $100 or more Common App Same as four year college Application fee waivers If you used a fee waiver for the SAT, the CollegeBoard will send you personalized college application fee waivers Fee Waivers available on common app and often are given if you apply on campus
Letters of Recommendation 3 letters are suggested Teacher, Counselor, Employers, Clergy Member Letter or Recommendation Requests Give a copy of your activity resume and transcript Please give at least 2-4 weeks before deadline You do NOT need to wait to apply! Check in OFTEN ***Thank you notes***
Activities Resume Required for letters of recommendation! Should include Membership in school activities Community involvement Volunteer service Leadership roles Honors and awards Employment Standardized test scores
Essays What do College Admissions Officers look for in the essay? Student writing style Essays that come straight from the heart Not what you think they want to hear Honesty Have someone look over your essay! Mrs. Rogers, Mrs. Katz, parents, etc.
Topics to avoid in your essay… Apologies for your academic record Criminal situations Nervous breakdowns or mental illness Anything violent or gruesome Religious or political beliefs
School Counseling Office Resources College info 2 and 4 year NYS schools 2 and 4 year out of state schools Help with Career Options and Resume Writing Armed services information Testing info and study guides SAT and ACT Financial Aid Information Night for 12th graders and their parents- October 30th FAFSA Workshop Night
Financial Aid Loans Must be paid back Grants Are not required to be paid back Scholarships Work-Study Students work on campus in exchange for aid FAFSA and TAP can be completed starting October 1 ( ) CSS Profile- required for many private schools February 15th deadline ( )
Scholarships Excelsior Scholarship SUNY or CUNY Tuition for Incomes of $110,000 or less There are scholarships for everything!!!! Local Scholarships School Based Scholarships
Responsibilities Student Responsibility Counselor Responsibility Fill out college applications Keep on top of college/university deadlines Send SAT and ACT scores from testing site Ask for letters of recommendation Ask counselor to send documents to college(s) Send college/university transcripts from college courses taken in high school Assist in college applications (not filling out applications for you!) Suggest schools of interest, and point you in the direction of helpful resources Provide support with college apps, financial aid process, scholarship process
Career Tech Ed College Credits ed/index.php Click on “Information on Center-based Programs” to see available college credits in your particular program Request transcripts from the Registrar at SUNY Albany or CGCC for any College in the High School Courses
Reminders! SAT and ACT Registration Transcripts from dual- credit College in the High School Courses YOUR RESPONSIBILITY! Request from the college at the end of the school year
Important Dates October 1st – FAFSA Opens October 15th – Some Early Application Deadlines October 30th- Financial Aid Night Presentation November 1st – Some Early Deadlines Beginning of November- FAFSA Workshop Night (if there is interest) December Break- complete applications! February 15th- Priority Financial Aid Deadline May 1st- Commitment Day June-
Summary Start Early! Get involved Ask for help Say “thank you” Deadline- December 9th Get involved Ask for help Say “thank you” Apply!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Have fun and get excited