Unit 12 Electrochemistry Lecture Presentation Unit 12 Electrochemistry Day 3
Warm Up SHOW ME: ChemActivity 50 and Lab Notebook CROSS OFF: WebAssign Due on Tuesday TIME: 8 minutes WHEN DONE: Use Standard Reduction Potentials in book or online to complete Warm Up Half-Sheet in blue bin
Agenda Lab: Electrochemical Cells Semester 2 Mid-term Study Guide
Lab: Electrochemical Cells GET: Goggles, lab coat, and gloves SEE: Set Up at Table 1 FOLLOW: Your written and detailed procedure YOUR PRIORITY: Get Parts one and two done PLEASE NOTE: Lead is not available (did not want lead dust in the lab) TIME: Until 9:24 WHEN DONE: Clean up completely (make sure to wipe down table)
Mid-term Study Guide WEBASSIGN IS NO LONGER ASSIGNED, BUT THERE IS A FULL REVIEW MID-TERM WEBASSIGN Your best resources: Cornell Notes Previous Quizzes (if you need a new copy, see me during tutorial tomorrow) Previous Unit, Mid-term, and Final Study Guides WebAssign Cracking the AP Chemistry Exam Book Links on the Website from AP Central and other websites (old practice exams) Mid-term: Thu, April 12th (during class) Practice AP Exam: Fri, April 13th (9:15-2:15) – You receive a “4” for completing practice exam in assessment category