The spheres The cool thing about matter is that it never goes anywhere it’s always here so we have to recycle it over and over
ATMOSPHERE From the outside in Air is a gas Gas is made of matter Matter has mass Gravitiy hold all the air down onto the earth We call this sphere ATMOSPHERE
Hydrosphere Water Matters Water is in the atmosphere as a gas On the earth it can be a liquid in our oceans lakes and rivers Water is a solid in our glaciers, snow and ice It also is inside the crust as ground water These forms of water are linked by the water cycle We call this sphere the Hydrosphere
The Third Rock from the Sun The earth is a rocky planet It’s crust is made of solid rocks and minerals The crust floats on the mantle because it is less dense It’s Mantle is liquid rocks and minerals The rocks and minerals melt and solidify in the Rock Cycle This sphere is called The Lithosphere
Biosphere The earth is full of living things Goolies and ghosties and long legged beasties and things that go bump in the night The earth is full of living things They fill the air, the earth’s surface, under ground and underwater Amazing creatures of all sorts There are plants fungus bacteria archaea insects spiders animals Life lives in every sphere The sphere of life is called the Biosphere
The Layers of the earth crust Inner core Upper mantle Outer core Lower mantle