Deborah The Prophetess
Introduction The Book of Judges covers a period of 350-400 years The book presents 7 cycles of apostasy, oppression, repentance and deliverance
Introduction 1. The people would fall away from God (apostasy) 2. God would permit the enemies of Israel to fall upon her (oppression)
Introduction 3. Under oppression the people would repent and call upon God (repentance) 4. God would raise up a leader and deliver Israel (deliverance)
Introduction The sin of Israel 1. They did not drive out the Canaanites 2. They practiced idolatry 3. The men took pagan wives
Introduction Judges 2:7, 10-13 There were 13 Judges named in the book of Judges and 2 named in 1 Samuel
Introduction The Judges did not rule all the time, but God would raise them up when there was a need Deborah was raised up at the time of a great need in Israel
Deborah, The Prophetess Deborah’s Work Deborah was the only woman judge Judges 4:4 She was a prophetess Prophetess = an inspired woman O.T. Judges
Deborah’s Work With her captain, Barak, she gained victory over Jabin, the Canaanite king.
Deborah, The Prophetess Deborah’s Work We are not told why she became a Judge, but we do know what she did She acted under God’s authority O.T. Judges
Great Lessons From Deborah
She Was A Woman Of Great Faith She took God at His Word Judges 4:6,7,14 Acts 27:25 Gen. 22:8 Ps. 23:4
She Was A Woman Of Great Courage Facing an enemy which seemed impossible to overcome she showed no fear but encouraged Barak to go forward Judges 4:14 Leaders must have great courage Joshua 1:6 Ps. 27:14
She Depended Upon What God Said Judges 4:6 We need more people today who interested in what God says rather than what men say
She Depended Upon What God Said Rev. 20:11-15 Let’s seek a “thus saith the Lord” for all we do in serving God Jn. 12:48
Deborah Had The Ability To Inspire And Encourage She depended upon Go---faced danger with courage --- an was willing to go with the people ----this gave them courage
Deborah Had The Ability To Inspire And Encourage The person who has courage in times of crisis will be a help to those who are uncertain and hesitating Heb. 10:24 Heb. 3:13
Deborah, The Prophetess Conclusion While Deborah’s name does not appear in Heb. 11—Barak’s does Without Deborah there probably would not have been such a useful man as Barak Gal. 6:9 O.T. Judges