IGraphic Social impacts of IT


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Presentation transcript:

IGraphic Social impacts of IT Kasam Raza

Local community The social impacts of IT on the local community has a good effect and a bad effect. The good effects are that people can keep in contact more and you can be more social by using: Facebook Skype Twitter These social sites lets you catch up on the latest news in sports, designers, politics, dramas and so on. These sites also let you contact people from different countries of the world, weather its by text or video calling. These social sites are available not just on the internet, but you can get them on your phone or other devices. Some business make more profit because there stores are set up online if people cant make it to the store on the streets they can order what they want from online which means it doesn't waste time and its more relaxing to look for the item you want. Police can also tract down a criminal of these social sites by reading the messages. The negative effect on the local community is that to much media and social use means that no body really meets in person anymore. There's also a big chance of bad impact on the local community e.g. fighting, cyber bullying, and discrimination to different topics such as politics. More people start to commit suicide and get threats from social sites such as Facebook, and because people start using online news more rather then going to the local news agent, the local news agent loose money because more people are using the sites. IT has a good and bad effect, some people use to much social and media that they don’t meet in person or talk in person, social company's like Facebook make money and it expands their business and other business loose money.

Availability of jobs IT has been good for jobs there's more available jobs for IT and more company's are set up which means the business makes more money. The available and different types of jobs for IT are: Software engineering Teaching IT Network engineering You can fix the computers These are only some of the jobs that there are in IT there's over 100 jobs in IT, IT opens up more opportunity's for people who want to do a job in IT, business can make more money with IT, because business can set up there own website online were people can shop from and people who shop online this makes jobs more available for people in the company, because they have to see what the person has ordered, people have more arability online banking people have more jobs in this and people can open up an online business. Robots also produce more products which means more money for the company. The negative in IT is that people are most likely to loose their jobs because robots have come and taken over the jobs, robots have started to work in factory's, labs, in health care, and with cars like car mechanics etc. many people loose their jobs due to IT. Many jobs available for people in IT and more people can loose jobs due to robots and, but some people have to make the robots and if it breaks down they can come in and fix it which means availability in jobs.

Inequality in broadband access Most people have internet connection through WI-FI, you have to have a router that is connected to the internet. Business such as sky, TalkTalk, BT make more money when people sign up to there company the company to keep their internet running. The companies such as sky and TalkTalk make more money and more company's are developed. In some places people cant access the internet because they cant afford it its because there area has no internet connection , this means no computers no WI-FI- would work and it would be harder to contact someone. More robots are made this is an advantage because people who work get paid to make the robots and the robots don’t need to get paid a salary so its saving money for the company. Some places have no internet connection in certain areas of the U.k but up in Scotland there's more land which means there's not that much connection to the internet. Humans get paid robots don’t get paid the money which means saves the company money and they can use it on something that will benefit there company

Potential risk of IT Cyber bullying- over the internet and social sites people normally tend to bully and threat different people over the internet this is called cyber bullying. Cyber bullying is normally done over social sites such as Facebook and twitter some could be over fake accounts or over social sites, some people end up doing suicide, they stop what they do and normally I kept under pressure for money etc. Denial of service- this is when your internet is running low or is not working, this happens when the network is having troubles this could be due to the weather or some huge virus or someone hacking the main broadband system. Phishing- phishing is when you try and get personal details of a person such as their user names, credit card details and so on, this has a very big effect on people, such as someone's credit card details they can take money out of the card and keep wasting the persons money. And if someone's Facebook user got hacked it could mean that the person who has hacked it could find out every single detail about you and can end up committing robbery at your house or could end up as murder etc. Spam- when you receive a message such as, ‘you have won a new IPhone’ once you have selected this it goes to all of your contacts. To be protected against spamming you have an spamming filter which will get rid of spams. Cyber bullying rate: 7/10 Denial of server: 8/10 Phishing: 10/10 Spam: 6/10