LLRF Tuning System Results By Saad AlSari SEP 22 th 2010
ESS-Bilbao Tuning System System Overview The system parts been set up in Imperial College with the signal generator and high power amplifier in the input end and the stepper motor drive, the RFQ tuner on the RFQ could model from the other end. System performing amplitude, phase and tuning control. The LLRF system includes three feedback loops to regulate the amplitude and phase of the RFQ field as well as the RFQ resonance frequency. The equipments worked without modifications apart from optimizing settings of the LLRF parameters using the provided GUI input settings.
ESS-Bilbao Tuning System System Setup A laptop with PCI Express port interface would be needed in the current Matlab control terminal. The FPGA interface with the laptop might malfunction if any of these requirements is not met: Manufacturer: Dell or Hewlett Packard (HP) Operating System: Microsoft Windows XP Professional Service Pack 2 Express Card for compact PCI connection
ESS-Bilbao Tuning System System Results Main Parameters Date: 6, 7 September 2010 Pulse Parameters : PARAMETERSpecificationLow Power Test60 Watt TestUNITNOTE Pulse frequency Hz Pulse width ms Duty cycle % Settling time<100786us RFQ cold model Parameters: PARAMETERSpecificationMeasured UNITNOTE fcav MHz Tuning range1 app.MHzwith 4 tuners Q (unloaded) measured LLRF Parameters: PARAMETERSpecificationLow Power Test60 Watt TestUNITNOTE Operation modeCW / pulsed Settling time<100 us depends on PI gain Adjustments
ESS-Bilbao Tuning System System Results System operated in pulsed mode (pulse rate = 50 Hz, pulse width = 2 ms) LOW POWER TESTS60 WATTS TESTS Fig. 1:Pulse parameters : Measured cavity field and Sink of 50 Hz
ESS-Bilbao Tuning System System Results System operated in pulsed mode (pulse rate = 50 Hz, pulse width = 2 ms) LOW POWER TESTS60 WATTS TESTS Fig. 2 :Settling time of measured cavity field
ESS-Bilbao Tuning System System Results System operated in pulsed mode (pulse rate = 50 Hz, pulse width = 2 ms) LOW POWER TESTS60 WATTS TESTS Fig. 3: CW operation. Measured cavity field and reference signal (generator output)
ESS-Bilbao Tuning System System Results System operated in pulsed mode (pulse rate = 50 Hz, pulse width = 2 ms) 60 WATTS TESTS Fig. 4: Measured cavity field and reflected power
ESS-Bilbao Tuning System System Results System operated in pulsed mode (pulse rate = 50 Hz, pulse width = 2 ms) LOW POWER TESTS
ESS-Bilbao Tuning System System Results System operated in pulsed mode (pulse rate = 50 Hz, pulse width = 2 ms) 60 WATTS TESTS