Sandra Christie Sandra Christie Director of Nursing and Performance
Why do we need a transformation programme? Changing Demographics – we need to locally address the issue that the number of people over 65 with care needs is projected to increase by 60% Advances in technology and innovation – we need to develop the skills to lead innovation and adopt new technologies Social, political, economic and environmental factors – we need to respond to the growing challenge of balancing quality and cost Patient and staff expectations – we need to understand how expectations are changing and engage in designing a new system together The 5 Year Forward View made clear that the vision for 2020 is of far more care being delivered closer to home, by multi-professional teams with more generalist skills, able to operate between different care settings and with more specialist colleagues. This responds to the drivers listed and means that community services will be at the heart of the evolving NHS.
Recent research looked at the NHS workforce through a generational lens and developed descriptions for Generations baby boomers, X, Y and Z. This helps us to understand what factors influence workforce retention in our teams and develop plans for creating an environment which meets the needs of our diverse workforce. It also provides us with an indication of what our current and future patients will prefer in terms of communication and use of technology.
What is the transformation programme? A large scale programme of improvement led by front line staff An opportunity for us all to reshape service delivery Key principles: Staff wellbeing is paramount Front line staff have the answers Small changes make a big impact Priorities for improvement will be directed by services Corporate services will support clinicians to test and embed change quickly The transformation programme is based on a number of key principles centred around enhancing staff wellbeing and experience.
Wirral Transformation Model Our transformation model was developed in consultation with clinical and corporate staff and reflects three elements that need to be in balance if transformation is to be successful. All transformation projects will therefore consider all elements, with effective staff engagement central to the culture domain.
90 Day Improvement Cycle Phase 1: Scan Identify the problem and gather all relevant information Agree aims and objectives Phase 2: Focus Test possible solutions in practice Refine the idea until it meets the aim of the project Phase 3: Summarise and Disseminate Report findings Roll out improvements To support the programme, we will embed a standardised quality improvement methodology – the 90 day improvement cycle. This process enables ideas to be developed, tested and rolled out rapidly.
In Community Nursing, a team of clinicians has already streamlined the assessment documentation, reducing admin time and releasing several hours a week to care for patients.
Adult and Community These three slides illustrate the journey that our three clinical divisions have been on over the past two years and outlines priorities for the coming year.
Children and Wellbeing
Urgent and Primary Care
Structural transformation Key focus is Estates rationalisation minimises impact on workforce supports integration For 2016/17 we will save: £240k This equates to eight Band 5 frontline staff Sustainability of our organisation depends on delivery of excellent patient care as well as maintaining financial balance. Two ways in which we can achieve the latter are: 1) Implementation of our estates strategy which, if delivered in full, protects 8 frontline posts
Agile working Most services now have mobile working kit enables more flexible working – less reliant on office space Future of healthcare will rely on better use of IT Result will be staff working more flexibly to: meet patients’ individual needs be less reliant on buildings and premises 2) Full implementation of agile working through use of electronic patient records. This in turn reduces reliance on expensive estates space.
How can I get involved? If you are keen to get involved, contact your team leader, service lead or deputy divisional manager Each division has a transformation team and clinical reference group as well as quality improvement teams for each project Visit the transformation page on Staff zone We want you to get involved. Here is how to. Please give out leaflets to all staff members