What is Social Studies Aim : What do we mean by the term “Social Sciences” and how do the different disciplines come together? 1) Do Now : Make a web with social studies terms 2) The different branches of social studies 3) How these different branches come together 4) Reading together in class and get in groups to come up with bullet points for history.
Do Now: Draw this map and put the first word that comes to your mind when you hear each branch of social studies
Meme of the day
Social Studies Social Studies - Is the study of the relationship between many disciplines
Social Sciences History, geography, economics, political science, archaeology, anthropology, religion, and culture
History What is history? (“his-tory”-different perspectives on…) is the story of humanity’s past records and explains what people have thought, said and done
Pre-history: before written records What is the difference between history and pre-history? Pre-history: before written records History: written records and documentation
Social Scientists Anthropologists Archeologists Study of human beings and their ancestors through time. How humans lived, worked, farmed, and interacted hundreds or thousands of years ago. The study of human history and prehistory through the excavation of sites and the analysis of artifacts and other physical remains. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T24hdchCVIg
How can geography be important to the study of history? Geography to study the interaction of people and the environment movement of people, goods and ideas location: ABSOLUTE- latitude and longitude and RELATIVE – to other countries; regions and places ITALY Absolute: Rome, Italy is: (Latitude)= 410 54 N (Longitude)= 12 0 27 E Relative: Italy is south of Germany, east of France, west of Hungry, and north of Africa. Italy is also in the Northern Hemisphere, it is also in Europe.
Why do you think it is important to understand how economics is relative to history? it is the study of the needs and wants of a society; how scarcity of resources impacts societies factors of production: land, labor, and (capital= money used to create goods and services Economist decides: What to produce? How to produce? For whom to produce?
Three Types of Economies Traditional economy: based on traditions and linked to environment – goods and services are excchanged Don’t copy/just read traditional economy is an original economic system in which traditions, customs, and beliefs shape the goods and the services the economy produces, as well as the rules and manner of their distribution. Countries that use this type of economic system are often rural and farm-based.
Economics - branch of knowledge concerned with the production, consumption, and transfer of wealth. Market economy: individual consumers and producers make decisions about exchange and factors of production Command economy: the government commands/ makes decisions about the exchange and factors of production
Political Science How is political science relative to history? it deals with power, authority and legal systems Political Systems Theocracy- Theo = Relating to religion Monarchy- Monarch Oligarchy- (olígos), meaning "few" Democracy-Demos = the people
Group Activity On a sheet of paper, create a chart with the following three columns: “Elements of Culture,” “Cultural Groups” “Importance of Culture.”
Human behaviors Culture Religion socially transmitted beliefs, values, institutions, behaviors, traditions and way of life of a group of people. Food Language Music Art Artifacts Unified system of beliefs and practices life and the world relative to the supernatural unite the believers or followers into a social organization or moral community. Directly influences and is part of culture
Social Sciences Sociology Psychology Philosophy Is the study of human society at a given period in time. focuses on social relationships. study of problems concerning matters such as existence, knowledge, values, & reason. relations to the world and each other. explore behavior and mental processes of individuals. What people consciously do and unconsciously do.
What is a primary source? Primary source - informational source from the time of an event Autobiographies Diaries Documents Eyewitness accounts Laws Letters Newspaper articles Speeches Artifacts Oral histories Photographs Film footage Art Music
What are Secondary Sources? Secondary source - informational source that analyzes the event. This is someone else’s interpretation of an event, not a first person account. Examples Biographies Encyclopedias History books Textbooks