Standard: 1 Students demonstrate familiarity with literary traditions that emphasis 20th Century World Literature. Question: Describe why did you choose your book? What factors went into your decision? (interesting cover, back cover, recommendation, etc.) 2.5(D) hybrid :)
2 2 Standard: Question: How does your book begin? (events) Students are expected to make and defend subtle inferences and complex conclusions about the ideas in text and their organizational patterns. Question: How does your book begin? (events) First describe the events that start your story. Then describe whether this is a good, effective way for the author to start the book. Explain why or why not. What would you change? 2.9(C)
Be sure to describe the clues that give the setting of your story. Question: 3 What is the setting of your story? (description) Remember that setting is both place and time of the story. Your book will most likely not tell you exactly when and where it takes place, but you can find clues in the story. Is this a modern story (computers, video games, shopping malls, etc.)? Does it take place in a city, suburb, or farm area? Does it describe a specific time period directly, with characterization, or using idioms? Be sure to describe the clues that give the setting of your story. Fig. 19A Students reflect on understanding to monitor comprehension (e.g. asking questions, summarizing and synthesizing, making connections, creating sensory images). Standard:
Standard: 4 Students are expected to analyze the controlling idea and specific purpose of a passage and the textual elements that support and elaborate it, including both the most important details and the less important details. Question: You should be ‘into’ your book now. If so, explain what elements you in and made you want to keep reading. If not, explain what you’re struggling with and why. 2.8
5 Standard: Analyze archetypes (e.g., journey of a hero, tragic flaw) in mythic, traditional and classical literature Question: Who is the protagonist in your book? What is this character like? If you were to assign your protagonist an archetype, which would it be and why? Tell the character’s name, age, appearance, friends, personality, and problems…
Character Archetypes The villain The hero The sage The innocent The jester The underdog Damsel in distress The monster Scapegoat/ sacrificial lamb loner/outcast recurring patterns (plot structures, symbols, character types, themes) that occur in mythology, religion, and stories across cultures and time periods. They embody universal meanings and basic human experiences and can evoke unconscious responses in a reader.