Mary Ledbetter, Systems Sales Engineer
What is a Data Warehouse, really? Operational systems - not designed for Analysis Complex and slow for Analytical queries Can impact performance while being queried.
What is a Data Warehouse, really? Operational Systems Data Warehousing Systems high-volume transaction processing with minimal back-end reporting. high-volume analytical processing (i.e. OLAP) and often elaborate report generation. process-oriented subject-oriented concerned with current data. concerned with historical data. Data updated regularly according to need. Data non-volatile, new data may be added regularly, but once loaded, the data is rarely changed and read-only. optimized to perform fast inserts and updates of relatively small volumes of data. optimized to perform fast retrievals of relatively large volumes of data. application-specific, resulting in a multitude of partially integrated systems (e.g. billing data is not integrated with payroll data). integrated at a layer above the application layer, avoiding data redundancy problems. require a non-trivial level of computing skills amongst the end-user community. appeal to an end-user community with a wide range of computing skills, from novice to expert users. Normalisation is used to get data in – it results in a complex and hard to read database design. Reporting directly from this database would be slow and complex – business rules embedded in the reports – no one version of the truth.
What is a Data Warehouse, really? Its worse than that – business processes span multiple functional systems.
Dimensional Design – the De Facto Standard WhereScape RED builds detailed, dimensional Data Warehouses directly from Operational Systems – quickly and cheaply, from Data Source to OLAP cube
What is WhereScape RED? Conceived, Evolved and Developed by and for Technologists Builds and Manages Dimensional Data Warehouses FAST (SQL) Promotes Iterative Development from its Core – Shared Understanding Mature Software – over 10 years of proven Successes – 375 Customers Results in Business Rules and Processes in one place….. 4th best data warehousing company in New Zealand (Flight of the Conchords) Started as data warehouse consultants Had to be a better way Big buy in from local companies Wells Fargo story eHealth story ASB Bank story
Where RED fits The only solution is to extract the data out fo these systems and integrate the data in a dwh. The dwh is often the only true Enterprise system. WS RED provides all the functionality required to build and manage the blue box, whilst remaining agnostic on the reporting tools. Often people have multiple reporting tools to support external, internal and analyst users. 8
WhereScape RED Technical Architecture
WhereScape RED Object types
Value of WhereScape RED Productivity – Build Fast with Less Risk Manageability – Low TCO to Develop, Change and Support Supportability – Consistent and Fully Documented
What does this mean to SQL Server Users? Key ingredient to Microsoft SQL Server Fast Track Data Warehouse 3.0 Leverage what Microsoft SQL Server does Best – Native SSIS integration Enhance the Power of the Microsoft Stack - Integrated SSAS Cube Development, Workflow, SSRS