Chapter 19-Symbolism and Allusion: Windows to Wide Expanses of Meaning World Literature LAP 4: Poetry Day 6
Symbolism Symbolism refers to the use of symbols in works of art and in all other forms of expression. A symbol has meaning in and of itself, but is also understood to represent something else, like the flag for the country or school song for Incarnate Word Academy symbolizes (represents) our school pride and traditions.
Symbolism and Meanings Symbolism goes beyond the close referral of word to thing; it is more like a window through which one can glimpse the extensive world outside. Because poetry is compact, its descriptions and portrayals of experience are brief. Symbolism is therefore one of its primary characteristics. Symbolism extends meaning beyond normal connotation.
The Function of Symbolism in Poetry Many words are automatically symbolic. Examples: lamb, shepherd, cross, blood, bread, and wine or summer, winter, drought, flood, morning and night. Symbolism is to be seen in actions. Symbolism is to be seen in setting. Symbolism is to be seen in characters. Symbolism is to be seen in situations.
Allusion and Meaning Just as symbolism enriches meaning, so also does allusion, that takes the form of: Unacknowledged brief quotations from other works; And references to historical events and any aspect of human culture- Art Music Literature Allusions add dimension to poetry. An allusion carries with it the entire context of the work from which it is drawn.
Poems on Final “The Mother” “Because I could not stop for death” “The Voice You Hear When You Read Silently” “To Autumn” “My Papa’s Waltz” “Bells” “I felt a funeral in my brain” The Road Not Taken”