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Presentation transcript:

SELF-REFLECTION & ACTION PLANNING UNSW BEHAVIOURS Session Pre-work SELF-REFLECTION & ACTION PLANNING This pack is designed to enable you a private and personal space for self-reflection and action planning. Each page focuses on one of the five UNSW Behaviours, with space for your responses. You can revisit your comments across and note any progress.

DEMONSTRATES EXCELLENCE How do I currently ‘Demonstrate Excellence’ in my own work? What should I continue doing well? DELIVERS HIGH PERFORMANCE & DEMONSTRATES SERVICE EXCELLENCE Where are there opportunities to grow? What is one thing I will do to lead and/or elicit excellence in others around me? How will I start to share my learning and stories about this behaviour with others?

DRIVES INNOVATION THINKS CREATIVELY & DEVELOPS NEW WAYS OF WORKING. How do I currently ‘Drive Innovation’ in my own work? What should I continue doing well? THINKS CREATIVELY & DEVELOPS NEW WAYS OF WORKING. INITIATES & EMBRACES CHANGE. Where are there opportunities to grow? What is one thing I will do to lead and/or foster innovation in others around me? How will I start to share my learning and stories about this behaviour with others?

BUILDS COLLABORATION How do I currently ‘Build Collaboration ’ in my own work? What should I continue doing well? WORKS EFFECTIVELY WITHIN & ACROSS TEAMS. BUILDS RELATIONSHIPS WITH INTERNAL & EXTERANL STAKEHOLDERS TO DELIVER ON OUTCOMES. Where are there opportunities to grow? what is one thing I will do to lead and/or encourage collaboration in others around me? How will I start to share my learning and stories about this behaviour with others?

EMBRACES DIVERSITY How do I currently ‘Embrace Diversity’ in my own work? What should I continue doing well? VALUES INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCES & CONTRBUTIONS OF ALL PEOPLE & PROMOTES INCLUSION. Where are there opportunities to grow? What is one thing I will do to lead and/or encourage diversity in others around me? How will I start to share my learning and stories about this behaviour with others?

DISPLAYS RESPECT How do I currently ‘Display Respect’ in my own work? What should I continue doing well? TREATS OTHERS WITH DIGNITY & EMPATHY. COMMUNICATES WITH INTEGRITY & OPENNESS. Where are there opportunities to grow? What is one thing I will do to lead and/or cultivate displays of respect in others around me? How will I start to share my learning and stories about this behaviour with others?