Civil Air Patrol Advanced Communications User Training


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Presentation transcript:

Civil Air Patrol Advanced Communications User Training 28 Oct 97 February 2019 Communications Webinar LtCol David Rudawitz Director of Communications Oregon Wing Communications - Voice of Command Capt Derrell Lipman

Civil Air Patrol Advanced Communications User Training 28 Oct 97 Topics TDFM Operator Functions TDFM Mission Setup Procedures TDFM Interactive Training Standardized Aircraft Status Reporting and Briefing ORWG February 2019 Communications Webinar Capt Derrell Lipman

TDFM Operator Functions LtCol David Rudawitz ORWG February 2019 Communications Webinar

ORWG February 2019 Communications Webinar Operator Commands Commands divided into 4 or 5 levels Basic functions in Operator level 1 Commands activated by key selection(s) Three different command sets which vary by software version and radio model (136B) ORWG is limiting operator access to commands to simplify radio operations ORWG February 2019 Communications Webinar

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ORWG February 2019 Communications Webinar Software Version 3.x.x ORWG February 2019 Communications Webinar

ORWG February 2019 Communications Webinar TDFM-136B Software ORWG February 2019 Communications Webinar

TDFM Mission Setup Procedures LtCol Richard Ouellette ORWG February 2019 Communications Webinar

TDFM Interactive Training CMSGT Cliff Warrick ORWG February 2019 Communications Webinar

Standardized Aircraft Status Reporting and Briefing LtCol David Rudawitz ORWG February 2019 Communications Webinar

Standardized Aircraft Status Reporting and Briefing Checklists developed to help insure that air crews: Have the necessary information for communications during their sortie Report their status and situation at key checkpoints during their sortie Downloadable from the DC section of the Wing website ORWG February 2019 Communications Webinar

ORWG February 2019 Communications Webinar Status Checks The following status checks will be used, at a minimum for aircraft status reporting Radio check after engine start – check all VHF-FM channels to be used during the sortie. Wheels Up In area/grid Ops Normal every 30 minutes Departing area/grid Preparing to land and will not be on CAP channels Wheels down ORWG February 2019 Communications Webinar

Additional Status Reports These additional status reports will be used when appropriate: ELT signal first heard Target located Leaving assigned CAP channel Returned to assigned CAP channel ORWG February 2019 Communications Webinar

Additional Required Communications Request permission to deviate from assignment Request permission to leave assigned area Request permission to return to base (RTB) ORWG February 2019 Communications Webinar

Communications Briefing Checklist – Air Resources Checklist is available in the Communications reference volumes and the AIF Tab 8 Should be used during the air crew briefing to insure that all critical communications information are reviewed and all questions answered. ORWG February 2019 Communications Webinar

Communications Briefing Checklist – Air Resources Briefing Item  Base call sign briefed Review ICS-205 and copy provided to the crew Assigned Operations Net channel briefed Assigned Tactical Net channel briefed Interoperability channel(s) briefed Lost communications procedures briefed Radio Check Procedure Aircraft must perform a radio check before engine start. Typically, conduct radio check with “Base” Communications on TAC1. TAC1 can be found in G2 and CH005 on the Technisonic radio. If the radio check is unsuccessful, DO NOT TAKE OFF. Contact Air Operations and advise that you were unable to successfully complete a radio check using your CAP radio. You will be given further instructions. ORWG February 2019 Communications Webinar

Communications Briefing Checklist – Air Resources Briefing Item  Wheels Up Procedure Once you are wheels up, you must notify “Base” Communications of wheels up and time using your assigned repeater channel. If unable to use the assigned repeater, use TAC1 and try repeater again after 10 minutes to confirm operation and settings. Monitoring CAP Radio In Flight Aircraft must monitor CAP radio (Technisonic Radio) at all times unless special arrangements are made in advance. If unable to monitor CAP radio, such as due to cockpit activity, notify “Base” Communications that you will be off the air due to cockpit activity and provide them with a duration for that. When back monitoring the CAP radio, advise “Base” Communications on assigned channel. Review repeater talk around (RTA) procedures. Operations Normal Check Procedure Every 30 minutes or scheduled by Communication, contact “Base” Communications or HIGHBIRD with an OPS Normal message to include your current position dd mm.m N ddd mm.m W ORWG February 2019 Communications Webinar

Communications Briefing Checklist – Air Resources Briefing Item  Pre-Landing Procedure Ten minutes prior to landing, advise “Base” Communications on assigned channel that you are ten minutes out. “Base” Communications will acknowledge and will be expecting you to advise wheels down once you are down. Post-Landing Procedure As soon as possible after landing, advise “Base” Communications on assigned channel that you are have landed with the time. “Base” Communications will acknowledge.. Any special instructions on a FIND or Sighting briefed ORWG February 2019 Communications Webinar

Communications Briefing Checklist – Air Resources Briefing Item  Base call sign briefed Review ICS-205 and copy provided to the crew Assigned Operations Net channel briefed Assigned Tactical Net channel briefed Interoperability channel(s) briefed Lost communications procedures briefed Radio Check Procedure Aircraft must perform a radio check before engine start. Typically, conduct radio check with “Base” Communications on TAC1. TAC1 can be found in G2 and CH005 on the Technisonic radio. If the radio check is unsuccessful, DO NOT TAKE OFF. Contact Air Operations and advise that you were unable to successfully complete a radio check using your CAP radio. You will be given further instructions. Wheels Up Procedure Once you are wheels up, you must notify “Base” Communications of wheels up and time using your assigned repeater channel. If unable to use the assigned repeater, use TAC1 and try repeater again after 10 minutes to confirm operation and settings. Monitoring CAP Radio In Flight Aircraft must monitor CAP radio (Technisonic Radio) at all times unless special arrangements are made in advance. If unable to monitor CAP radio, such as due to cockpit activity, notify “Base” Communications that you will be off the air due to cockpit activity and provide them with a duration for that. When back monitoring the CAP radio, advise “Base” Communications on assigned channel. Review repeater talk around (RTA) procedures. Operations Normal Check Procedure Every 30 minutes or scheduled by Communication, contact “Base” Communications or HIGHBIRD with an OPS Normal message to include your current position dd mm.m N ddd mm.m W Pre-Landing Procedure Ten minutes prior to landing, advise “Base” Communications on assigned channel that you are ten minutes out. “Base” Communications will acknowledge and will be expecting you to advise wheels down once you are down. Post-Landing Procedure As soon as possible after landing, advise “Base” Communications on assigned channel that you are have landed with the time. “Base” Communications will acknowledge.. Any special instructions on a FIND or Sighting briefed ORWG February 2019 Communications Webinar

ORWG February 2019 Communications Webinar Discussion ORWG February 2019 Communications Webinar