INFuture 2009, Zagreb, 2009-11-5/7 17/2/19 Transcription and transliteration in a computer data processing Greta Šimičević Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Ana Marija Boljanović Croatian Standards Institute INFuture 2009, Zagreb, 2009-11-3/6 Boljanović, Šimičević: Transcription and transliteration in a computer data processing
INFuture 2009, Zagreb, 2009-11-5/7 17/2/19 Scope Introduction Transcription and transliteration (possible procedures for transfer of one script into another) Standardization and other systems in the area of transliteration Computer systems and transliteration Conclusion Boljanović, Šimičević: Transcription and transliteration in a computer data processing 17/2/19 Boljanović, Šimičević: Transcription and transliteration in a computer data processing
INFuture 2009, Zagreb, 2009-11-5/7 17/2/19 Introduction In the second half of 20th century digitalization of library operations changed the way libraries function maintenance problems in data management and search problems occured increased problems when databases became accessible on the Internet amongst various problems there are also problems of transcription and transliteration Databases were filled with data and became larger, clumsier and increasingly disorganized Boljanović, Šimičević: Transcription and transliteration in a computer data processing 17/2/19 Boljanović, Šimičević: Transcription and transliteration in a computer data processing
INFuture 2009, Zagreb, 2009-11-5/7 17/2/19 Transcription Transcription is a transfer of pronunciations and phonemes of one language into graphical system for phonetic recording of phonemes of another language, i.e. pronunciation of words in one language adapted to pronunciation in another language and to this other language's vocalization. Boljanović, Šimičević: Transcription and transliteration in a computer data processing 17/2/19 Boljanović, Šimičević: Transcription and transliteration in a computer data processing
Transcription Examples: surname of the Russian author Цветаева: Tsvetaeva (Eng.), Zwetajewa (Ger.), Cvetaeva (Ita.), Cvjetajeva (Cro.), Tswetaewa (Pol.). Russian surname Щедрин : in Croatian and Czech it is transferred as Ščedrin, in Polish it is Szczedrin, in English Shchedrin, in French Chtchedrine, in Dutch Sjtsjedrin and, in German Schtschedrin. (as much as seven letters of Latin alphabet are needed for the Cyrillic character) four Russian Cyrillic diphthongs я, ю, ë, щ for which there are no graphemes in Latin alphabet (Tютчев, Mаяковский).
Transcription is limited by a language system the most frequent differences between systems lie in the diverse phonetisation of certain graphemes that we transfer the differences appear due to existence, or else lack of, specific graphemes and phonemes in different systems ч, ж, ш, я, ю, ë, щ, э, ы, ь transfer process from one script into another could not bring about uniformity on the global level Boljanović, Šimičević: Transcription and transliteration in a computer data processing 17/2/19
INFuture 2009, Zagreb, 2009-11-5/7 17/2/19 Transliteration Transliteration is a transfer of characters (graphemes) of one script into characters of another script (e.g. from Glagolitic into Latin, from Cyrillic into Latin, etc.) transfer should occur almost automatically and both ways, so that the regress into original text should be possible But, clearly – with 25 or 26 globally accepted characters in Latin script it is not possible to transfer 40 or 50 Cyrillic characters without occasional recourse to combinations of the usual Latin graphemes for the special characters. Boljanović, Šimičević: Transcription and transliteration in a computer data processing 17/2/19 Boljanović, Šimičević: Transcription and transliteration in a computer data processing
Transliteration with 25 or 26 characters in Latin script it is not possible to transfer 40 or 50 Cyrillic characters without occasional recourse to combinations of the usual Latin graphemes for the special characters the same symbols should not be used in transliteration of different characters in any language and, using two or more characters for one character is only acceptable when there is no better solution Boljanović, Šimičević: Transcription and transliteration in a computer data processing 17/2/19
Transliteration numerous "inconsistencies" in application of different transliteration rules in transfer of Russian Cyrillic into Latin of diphthongs я, ю,ë, щ, diacritical characters ч, ж, ш and graphemes such as ц, х nevertheless, transliteration has, on the global level, proven to be a much better procedure than transcription concerning harmonization of data entry into databases from other scripts into Latin, which brought about attempts at creating various international rules for transliteration Boljanović, Šimičević: Transcription and transliteration in a computer data processing 17/2/19
Standardization in the area of transliteration INFuture 2009, Zagreb, 2009-11-5/7 17/2/19 Standardization in the area of transliteration In order to facilitate and improve communication and data and information exchange standards for transliteration of Cyrillic characters into Latin characters were developed by International Organization for Standardization - ISO ISO 9:1995 Information and documentation - Transliteration of Cyrillic characters into Latin characters - Slavic and non-Slavic languages Almost all member states (162) of ISO have adopted this standard (with some national modifications) The fact that it has 162 member states speaks best about this international organization's significance. Boljanović, Šimičević: Transcription and transliteration in a computer data processing 17/2/19 Boljanović, Šimičević: Transcription and transliteration in a computer data processing
Standardization in the area of transliteration Boljanović, Šimičević: Transcription and transliteration in a computer data processing 17/2/19
Other systems in the area of transliteration Cyrillic Scholarly ISO/R 9:1968 GOST 1971 UN ISO 9:1995; GOST 2002 ALA-LC BGN/PCGN А а a Б б b В в v Г г g Д д d Е е e e, ye † Ё ё ë yo ë, yë † Ж ж ž zh З з z И и i Й й j ĭ y К к k Boljanović, Šimičević: Transcription and transliteration in a computer data processing 17/2/19
Computer systems and transliteration Computer systems differentiate various data by distinctiveness of characters. Thus it can happen that one and the same information entered into the computer system via both the transcription process and transliteration process would, in fact, signify two different pieces of information for the computer. If at the same time several different rules are applied for transcription and transliteration, we could from one semantically identical data item create, as far as computer is concerned, a multitude of different data items. Boljanović, Šimičević: Transcription and transliteration in a computer data processing 17/2/19
Computer systems and transliteration Automatic transliteration of Russian
Conclusion Single transliteration standard still does not exist: bibliographic databases were established before this problem was recognized on the global level International standards became attack on language traditions of large groups problem to reconsile all language traditions As a unique technical aid in transfer of characters - transliteration process has been completely accepted Tendency towards greater unification of standards continues to exist Boljanović, Šimičević: Transcription and transliteration in a computer data processing 17/2/19
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